You okay with me going in (as I get ready to do just that)?

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Hi Readers: And welcome to your latest update of the Caseys. Sorry for the delay in getting this out to you, but I am ready to at least get this one out to you; however, I am not sure how long it's going to be, as I only have a few ideas for it. But still, I know that you guys are going to like it; at least, I hope you do. Let me know what you think as we check in on the Halstead Family ahead of work.

Halstead Home – He made sure to be quiet as he walked out of his closet; carrying a nice shirt, and some freshly ironed pants that he was going to wear today. After all, he wanted to make sure that he represented their family (and the company) effectively; because the last thing that he wants to do, is embarrass his friend, or their family. And that was due to the fact that he's already going through enough with his family, and Jay most certainly does not want to add any more to what he needs to deal with at the moment; nor does he want to worry his wife and wake her up when she needs to rest. After all, the twins didn't sleep the best last night; and he hated the fact that he wasn't going to be here to help her if she needs him to, and just wants to make sure that Alex knows he'll stay.

And that was only possible due to the fact that she was awake at the moment, and clearly eyeing him as he stood in front of her in nothing but his boxers this morning. "I can only assume that you like the sight of me, just wearing my boxers as I walk around out room right now?" Smiling as she heard Jay say that, Alex extended her hand as she wanted her man to make his way over to her; something that he made sure to do, as he saw Alex extend her hand. But first, he set his clothes down on their bed; that way, he didn't get all ruined, which was the last thing that he wanted at the end of the day. He wants to look good as he stands in front of the press, ready to defend his friend and boss from the media right now, as he hates that they're doing this to him again...especially when he has PTSD.

Because yes, Jay is well aware of the fact that Matt still has PTSD about how everything happened the last time; including all the press that came after his family, the last time Gabby gave birth prematurely (to their twin sons). But this time, it was different; and that was due to the fact that she gave birth to their twin daughters, who are quite adorable based on the pictures that they've seen so far. However, there was another reason that Jay could relate to Matt; and that was due to the fact that he knew what he was dealing with, due to the fact that this happened to him and Alex when they had their own twins. And that was why he felt like he had to do it, so that he can make sure that their friends are well taken care of. And that's something that Alex understands more than anybody.

"So, I need to ask this because I'm your husband; you're positive that you're okay with me going to the office, and doing the press conference right?"

Agreeing with her loving husband as he asked her that, Alex smiled as she watched him make his way over to her; after which, she smirked as Jay sat down next to her on the bed. After which, he leaned over the woman he loves and put his hand next to her on the bed. "God, you look so beautiful this morning." Alex smiled as she heard Jay say that, before feeling him more his hand to her neck; after which, she moved her hand to his arm and stared up into his eyes. "I've already told you that I'm proud of you, right?" Jay smirked as Alex asked him that, as that most certainly was something that she did, when they made love to each other the night before. "Oh, you most certainly did when we had all that fun last night." Alex smirked, and agreed with the man she loves today.

At the same time, Jay bent down and proceeded to kiss the woman he loves softly; taking things nice and slow with his gorgeous wife, Jay just smirked as this is exactly what he wants to do right now. He wants to take things nice and slow with his gorgeous wife, whom she loves more than anything in the entire world. "God, I am so glad that this is how we're starting our day." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that was the case; after which, she put her hand on his arm and smiled due to the fact that she truly loves her husband more than anything in the entire world. "Me too, and I am really turned on by the outfit that you decided to wear for me this morning." Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that. "Or the lack of an outfit, as I am just wearing my boxers for you right now." Alex agreed.

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