The Start of COVID with the Jacobs: That's My Job

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Hi Readers: What did you think about that? The Jacobs trying for a family. Well, I hope you guys like the Jacobs; because I don't think I'm done with them just yet, as I have another idea for them. And even though this is a One Chicago story, I have decided to take the liberty to write my own storylines with my own characters; characters that I hope to really build up, so that they can have their own independent storylines someday. Well, they already have them; but you know, maybe independent little stories on the side. But for now, I am not going to worry about explaining everything; rather, I'm just going to write. Here's another chapter with the Jacobs.

If there was one thing that Mario hated more than a sunburn, it would have to be waking up naked and alone in bed: especially after making love to his wife. The wife he loves more than anything in the entire world, and whom he can't wait to have a baby with; in fact, he was secretly hoping that they could go for another round ahead of the two of the enjoying some supper with each other. But unfortunately, that was not going to happen; and that was due to the fact that his wife was no longer in bed with him but was instead next to the pool on the chair where she was about to put some sunscreen on. And let's just say that Mario was not letting that happen. He already missed out on a chance to run his hands all over her naked body (some more) in bed, not out here Ms. Jacobs.

"You dare do my job for me and put an ounce of sunscreen on that gorgeous body of yours; then I will pick you up off that chair and throw you into the pool."

Turning her head to look at the man she loves, Bella smirked as she loved that idea; well, the idea of him running his hands all over her body and putting sunscreen on her. She's not really a fan of him throwing her into the pool, every though she already knows that he'd never do that to her; because then he'd go without sex, which is something that he can't do right now. Not when they're trying for a family. "You do that, and you'll just be letting me down mister." Mario was a bit confused as he heard his wife say that, unsure of what she means. "Oaky, what do you mean?" Smirking as she set the sunscreen down, Bella got up so that she could welcome her husband close to her; after all, she does want her husband to put his hands on her body and just hold her close to him. That was a certainty.

And now that he was close to her, that was something that he was going to do the moment he was standing in front of her; and had the ability to not only put his hands on her body, but to tug it against his chest. "What I mean is, I want to have a family as soon as possible; and if you drop me in the pool, then we aren't having sex for a couple days. And that means you can't do your job." Mario smirked as he heard Bella say that, as he walked up to his beautiful wife and set his towel down next to the chair; after which, he put his hands on her hips and stepped close to her. "Then maybe I should shut up before I get in trouble with the most beautiful woman in the entire world, whom I most certainly do want to make love to every single night for the rest of our journey to a baby."

Bella smirked as she heard Mario say that, before putting her hands on his muscular chest and stepping close to him and kissing him softly; meanwhile, Mario threw his towel down onto the pool chair and wrapped his arms around her. In the process, he also put his hands on Bella's but while taking things nice and slow with his wife; and boy are they both enjoying this sexy feeling, of Mario kissing her slowly and giving her exactly what she wants. And that thing that she wants would be him taking things slow with her, whenever they get a chance to do just that. Oh, and add in the fact that he just started to tease her more; oh, now that was perfect. Heck, whenever he kisses her anywhere on her body is perfect; but her neck is one of her favorite spots, as it makes her moan.

And she knows that effect that has on her husband, because it's something that they both want. They both want to be turned on, as it will allow them to just be all over each other so much more, which is why they are currently doing this, holding each other, and running their hands all over their bodies. But now, Mario has a message for his wife; one that was related to just how much he enjoyed what happened inside. "God, you were amazing." Bella smiled as she heard Mario say that, before stepping close to him and wrapping her arms around his head; at the same time, Mario moved his arms around her and leaned in to kiss her softly. "You weren't so bad yourself, and I am so glad that we just tried to have a baby again." Mario smirked, as he felt the same way. He just hopes it works.

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