Jacobs Beach Day, Part 2

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Parking his and Bella's truck in a nice parking spot shortly after getting to the beach together this morning, Mario took a breath as he ended the call that they were just having with Christie; after all, the call got a bit dramatic towards the end, and he was still thinking of that. At least he was, until he felt Bella grab his hand. "I saw that you got pretty quiet after what Christie said, you know about the good news." Taking a breath, Mario agreed with his wife as she said that; after all, that was exactly why he got quiet. He got quiet due to the fact that he was worried about everything that's been going on lately. "I just don't think it's fair that they have to go through all of this again, but I am grateful that they don't have to deal with the press this time around." Bella agreed with Mario.

After all, she felt the same way; the last thing that she wants, is for Matt and Gabby to have to deal with the press the same way they had to deal with it right after she gave birth the previous time (to their sons Matteo and Noah). And speaking of Noah, Bella had something to say about that. "You mean, after she gave birth to Matteo and Noah; and speaking of which, Noah is looking better." Mario agreed with Bella as she said that, as he was thinking the same thing. "Yeah, I was thinking about that too. He really is looking better. And I'm glad that they're all together; I think that's what they really need right now, for them all to be together as a family unit." Bella smiled as she heard her husband say that, before deciding to do something sexy for her man this afternoon.

And that would be to unbuckle and crawl into his lap, so that she can straddle him and give him a bit of attention; because right now, that's exactly what they both want. And she could tell that was the case, based on the way that Mario was looking at her right now. "Oh, well hello there." Smirking as she heard Mario say that, Bella watched as he undo his seatbelt and sat up in his seat; after which, she put her hands on his face and went to kiss the man she loves softly. Meanwhile, Mario placed his hands on her back and leaned in to kiss her softly. And damn, did Bella love the feeling of her husband's soft lips on hers. "Now that's something that I love the feeling of." Mario smirked as he heard Bella say that, before kissing her once again on the lips; but that kiss didn't last for long.

Because soon, he was kissing her cheekbone and down her neck as a way to tease her; and boy did that work, as Bella soon started to moan for him (just like he wanted). Bella is so damn sexy, and she is such a turn on. Sucking her neck, Mario smirked as he proceeded to whisper to the woman he loves. "Want to get out of here, and do this on the beach instead of in our truck? I think it might be easier to do it out there." Bella agreed with Mario as he said that, because that most certainly is the truth; it will be easier to get sexy with each other on the beach, simply due to the fact that they'll have more room to do sexy things with each other. Because that's what they both want to do with each other, sexy things that tease them both. And that all starts with them making their way to the sand.


Walking away from their truck hand-in-hand, Mario, and Bella both smiled as they were now ready to just have fun with each other; especially since Bella decided to get undressed at the truck and leave her clothes in there. And let's just say that Mario is really loving the view, the view of his wife in that sexy bikini that she loves; it's so damn sexy, and he already knows what he plans on doing when they're all comfortable with each other, and that would be to run his hands all over that gorgeous body of hers. "Someone's thinking of touching me when we're in the water, or on the sand; aren't they?" Watching as Bella turned around so that she was walking backwards, Mario smiled as he continued to hold his wife's hand with their fingers intertwined. However, he soon stopped walking.

And there was a reason for that, which involved him getting Bella close to him; not that it was hard to do that, as Bella wanted the same thing. She wanted to be close to her husband and feel him give something to her. And that thing would be a really nice kiss, which he soon gave her the moment she was close to him; so close, that there was no room in between either of them right now. Rather, they were chest-to-chest and just holding each other close. And let's just say that the sparks that were flying in between the both of them really started to fly, which caused someone that they know to make a joke. "Get a room idiot." Turning his head, Mario smiled when he saw Antonio Dawson standing there with his kids. "Let me guess, someone just finished at the beach?"

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