COVID Day 2 with the Halstead Family

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the new title that I just gave to April and Ethan? Mom and dad. I hope you guys like that idea, because I would love to get some feedback on what you thought about this. Now, what do you say we get to another family? More specifically, the one which also includes a veteran...who just so happens to also have a daughter. Hope you guys like it.

Halstead Home, Waialae-Kahala – If there was one benefit that came with COVID, it was that Jay was able to sleep in every day; he was able to hold the woman he loves close to her for as late as he wants, and just cuddle up to her under the sheets. And lately, they've been doing that with Alex not wearing a bra; and Jay had to say, he really likes the feeling of his wife being topless as she slept on his chest. But that wasn't the only thing that he liked, because he also liked the fact that he didn't have to take Max out to the washroom; and that was due to the fact that they had a nice patio door in their room, which let Max go in and out of the house whenever he pleased. And that was why waking up in the morning was truly perfect, as Jay got exactly what he wanted every day.

He got this. The feeling of his gorgeous wife in his arms, as they cuddled up to each other and just concentrated on having a bit of intimate time with each other. Well, that; and him giving Alex some soft kisses, which she most certainly does want whenever she's awake. But right now, Alex isn't awake; rather, she's still fast asleep on his chest. Or at least Jay thought she was, because he soon realized that she was awake as she started to leave soft kisses. And god, was that a nice feeling. Heck, it's always a nice feeling when he gets a chance to feel Alex's soft lips on his neck; and he was going to make sure that Alex knew that he appreciated the feeling, by doing exactly what she wants him to do. And that would be to moan. Turning his head, Jay smiled as he looked at his beautiful wife.

"Was that your way to tell me that you're awake?"

Alex agreed with her husband as he asked her that, before laying her head down on his chest and cuddled up to him; meanwhile, Jay ran his hand up and down her back as they both cuddled up to each other right now. And now this was nice, especially since the kids were still asleep. "Well, I love the fact that you kissed me like that to tell me that you're awake; but I also liked it, due to the fact that it was really sexy." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, before smiling as she laid her head down on his chest; running her hand down his chest, Alex smiled as this really is exactly what she wants to do right now. "Well, I like something else that's pretty sexy." Jay laughed as he heard Alex say that, before moving his hand on top of hers; after which, he stroked her hand with his thumb and just smiled.

He then turned his head and kissed her forehead softly. "Well, I like it too; especially since this gorgeous woman I love more than anything, is wearing nothing but her underwear for me." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I am well aware of the fact that you like it when I'm just wearing my underwear; so why do you think I'm doing it?" Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that, before kissing her forehead once more. At the same time, he ran his hand up and down her back while they held each other close. And the truth was, Jay was starting to realize something; that this is what they need to do right now, as it gives them a chance to slow down. Because ever since they moved here to Hawaii, he feels like everything has been full of stress and events.

But now, they are just holding each other; and even better, they don't have anywhere to go. "I'm happy." And that was how Jay was going to bring up this conversation, which then led to Alex looking up at the man she loves. "Where did that come from?" Jay smiled as he looked down at the woman he loves, before bending down and kissing her softly. "I guess, I just want to talk about how no matter what we're dealing with right now; I feel happy. I feel like this is what we need right now." Pushing herself up Jay's chest, Alex was a bit confused as she looked down into her husband's eyes; at the same time, Jay reached up and put his hand on her face. "Why do you feel like this is what we're supposed to be doing right now?" Jay smiled as Alex asked him that, before explaining it to her.

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