December Thirteenth, Part 1

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Hi Readers: My apologies for posting so late. But right when I was about to post this chapter, I decided to do something else that would be more appropriate for what I want to accomplish in this chapter. Thanks again for reading, and I hope you like this chapter

Gabby, I know you're probably scared and worried as to where I am right now, but I promise that I'm okay and that all of the kids are okay; I just needed to go out for a bit, because I need to do something for myself. I promise, I'll be back before you know it and I'll be better when I get back. I just needed to go see my doctor for my PTSD. I hope you understand. -Matt XO

That was the message that Matt left for Gabby this morning in a handwritten note that was located on her side table, and boy did Gabby love it when he leaves handwritten notes on her side table; and that was a message that she was in the midst of conveying to her husband through text message, which Matt was reading as he sat in the Casey-Tripler Mental Health Clinic here at the hospital. And that was due to the fact that he had an emergency appointment that he just needed to see, because he needed medication; more specifically, he needed stronger medication than what he has due to the mess that he finds himself in. He's so stressed and worried lately, that he feels like he's going to explode; and right now, he just feels like he needs something else to help him.

More specifically, he feels like he needs a new prescription for stronger medicine; and he just hoped that he could get some, as he really felt like he needed some. And that was when he heard the voice calling him, calling him in so that he can go see his doctor. "Matthew Casey?" Looking up, Matt smiled as he saw the receptionist call for him; and boy was he glad that he was next, especially since it meant that he could get this whole mess over with. But first, he needed to read Gabby's text message that he just got.

'Matt, I think that's a good idea to get checked out; and if you think that you need a stronger dose, then I think you should get one. Baby, please don't suffer in silence like you did before you first told me that you had PTSD. You need to do what you need to do so that you can deal with this to the best of your ability. I promise, I'm fine. I love you, and I support you. -Gabby XO.

Smiling as he read the text message, Matt just knew that it came from the bottom of her heart; because there was just something in the way that she wrote that text message that made him feel like it was written with love, which it most certainly was. Gabby loves her husband more than anything, and she just wants the best for him; and if that means that he needs to go get a new prescription for his PTSD medication, then that most certainly is exactly what he's going to do. "Mr. Casey?" Turning his head, Matt came back to reality.

"Sorry, it was my wife. She's upstairs in the NICU and just woke up."

The receptionist got a bit concerned as she heard the patient say that, before wondering whether he was going to need to cancel his appointment. "Sir, would you like to reschedule?" Matt shook his head. "No, my children are all asleep and everything is fine. I just had to read the text message." Getting up, Matt proceeded to grab his journal that he's been keeping here in the hospital; a journal in which he's been writing down how he's been feeling. That way, he can tell his doctor what he thinks he needs. And hopefully, he can get it with the help of his doctor; Dr. James Kloefer, a PTSD specialist here at the hospital. And speaking of Dr. Kloefer, he just came out from the back right now. "Mr. Casey, how have you been?" Matt sighed as his doctor asked him said question.

"I could be better."

Getting concerned about his patients' statement, Dr. Kloefer couldn't help but wonder just how long he may need to talk to him; so, he decided to turn his head and look at the receptionist. "Hannah, do I have an appointment right after Mr. Casey?" Hannah shook her head as the doctor asked her about his schedule. "No doctor, you don't." Dr. Kloefer agreed. "Please make Mr. Casey's appointment a double session, I believe that we may need it." Hannah agreed with the doctor as he said that, while Matt just walked up to him. "You have no idea how much I appreciate that Dr. Kloefer." The doctor agreed with Matt, before smiling as he went to shake his hand. "How about we go to the back? And we can talk about what seems to be bothering you, and whether we can do anything to fix that."

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