On Call...and at Your Service

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Hi Readers: I hope you guys liked the last chapter that I wrote for you guys, but I think it's time to go back to the hospital. But that doesn't mean that I'm going right back to Matt and Gabby. Rather, I am going to do something a bit different. But before we begin, I know that this chapter is going to be more Grey's Anatomy than Chicago Med; but still, I like the idea of me doing this right now.

Back at the hospital, April, and Ethan both currently in the midst of laying down in the on-call room together; the engaged couple having decided to work over a fight that they had earlier this morning here in their private on-call room. But after they made up through talking, they decided to have a bit of make-up sex. And god, it was hot; and April was really happy that they took a moment to work things out and just calm things down. Plus, the fight was stupid; and not really something that they had to talk about, as they weren't even planning their wedding yet. Yet, April told him that she wanted to have a four-course meal; at the same time, Ethan wanted a buffet meal. And that was what their fight was about. The type of food service they're going to have at their wedding (which they've yet to set a date for). But now, they're in a better place. At least, April thinks they are. She still wants to talk to Ethan about it for a bit, before they have to get up soon; and that was something that Ethan already knew as he turned his head this morning. Kissing her forehead softly, Ethan smiled as he looked down at his beautiful fiancé. "We have to get up soon." April agreed with Ethan.

"I know, but I am just comfortable; and I don't think I'm ready to get up yet, not when we were just in a fight." Ethan agreed with April as she said that, before turning his head and pressing his lips to her forehead once again. "April, we can do what you want. At the end of the day, it's your dream day." April looking up at Ethan as he said that. "It's your wedding too Ethan." Ethan agreed with April as she said that, before leaning his forehead against hers. "My wedding will be the happiest day of my life, if by the end of that night; you are my wife, my Ms. Choi." April smiled as she heard Ethan say that. "And if I'm like this in your bed." Ethan laughed as he heard April say that, before bending down and kissing her once more. And god, did April really like that. "So, one last thing before you get up." Ethan laughed. "I think I need to put my boxers on at least, okay April?" April agreed with her fiancé as he said that, before smiling as she rolled off of his chest; after which, she laid down next to her man. Meanwhile, Ethan sat up and just went to stretch a bit.

Meanwhile, April put her hand on his back and rubbed it. "Can you get my underwear for me Ethan?" Bending down to grab his boxers, Ethan smiled as he proceeded to put them on; after which, he got up and looked at his beautiful fiancé. And let's just say that April really liked the sight of that, her man putting his boxers on as he stands in front of her. "I have to say, that's pretty hot." Ethan agreed with April as she said that, before moving to grab her underwear, which he then threw over to her, just like she wanted. "Not that you don't like playing with me like this." April agreed with Ethan as he said that, before smiling as she went to put her underwear on. She then looked around for her bra and found it under the bed. "I swear, this better not get us in trouble." Ethan agreed with his beautiful fiancé as she said that, before looking at her as she put her bra on. After which, he walked up behind her and put his hands on her sides. "Here, let me help you." Agreeing with her future husband, April turned around in his arms so that he could help her.

At the same time, Ethan went to help April with her bra and just went ahead and did it up for her. And let's just say that April loved that feeling. "I have to say, I really like that feeling." Ethan agreed with April as she said that, before moving his hands to her hips; turning her around in his arms in short order, Ethan smiled as he stepped close to her. "Listen, I'm sorry that we fought...and I hope you know that I hate it." April agreed with Ethan as he said that, before putting her hands on his chest; she then leaned in and kissed the man she loves softly. "I know Ethan, and I promise that it's all good. We can figure things out." Ethan agreed with April as she said that, and smiled at his future wife; after which, he stepped close to her and brought her body against his. "I want you to have the wedding of your dreams, so I promise to give you that; I can get the party." April agreed with Ethan as he said that, before smiling as she put her hands on his chest. After which, she went to check the time and saw that they only had a few minutes left on break.

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