Van - First Kiss

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You and the Yellowjackets have been stranded for about a week now. It's hot as hell during the day, but cold as shit at night. That's why you and Van were out gathering firewood. The sun was setting and the cold air began to envelope you all.

"Sooo...anything new with you?" Van asked, trying to start a conversation. "Oh yeah, you know just the usual, getting in plane crashes, being stranded in the middle of nowhere, all that fun shit. " You joke. She laughs and picks up some more wood.

You two have been close friends for a while, you were the first person she ever came out to. You never told eachother, but you each had little crushes on the other. And that is why you offered to gather wood with her, yet were extremely nervous.

You kept gathering wood as the weather got cooler and cooler. You let out an audible shiver, as you were only in a thin long sleeve shirt.

"Hey do you want my jacket?" Van asked. "no no, I'm okay, we'll be heading back soon anyway." You say, but she's already set down her load of wood and taken off her school jacket. She was wearing a hoodie underneath, so she wasn't nearly as chilly as you were. "Just take it" She insists and hands it to you.

You set down your pile of wood to take the jacket from Van. You mutter a shy thank you and put the jacket on. Before you have a chance to pick your wood back up, Van starts to move closer to you. You get flustered and slightly lose your footing on a tree root.

Your back lands against a tree that was less then a foot behind you. "Shit you good?" She laughs. You nod trying to pick your self back up, but she steps towards you again. "I was just gonna..." She trails off as she pulls your hair out from the collar of her jacket to lay nicely over your shoulders. "Oh thanks" You smile.

"And I was gonna.." she trail off again, stepping even closer to you. You keep your eyes on hers as she moves her hand from your hair to the side of your face. She leans in and you do the same. Your lips connect for the first time, and based on the kiss, probably not the last.

She pulls away first, a smile on your both of your faces. "You should do that again." you say quietly. She laughs softly and leans back in. You were pressed against the tree and her body was up against yours. Her hands traveled around your waist and hips and yours played with her red hair.

"Oh shit!" You hear. You and Van pull away from eachother and she takes a couple steps back. You see the disturbance, Shauna. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. You guys have been gone for a while and the fire really needs some more wood. " Shauna explains.

"Yeah yeah, sorry. We'll be right behind you. " Van apologizes. Shauna nods her head and turns to head back to camp. You and Van make eye contact and laugh quietly at the interaction. You both grab your stacks of wood from the ground, interlock your hands together and follow Shauna back to camp.

Please don't be a ghost reader!! I love interacting with yall:) leave comments and requests xo

Also I think I'm going to change the cover of this book 🤭

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