Nat - Warm Water

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When I finish Daddy Issues do yall want me to start Vampire (Amber fic)? Or should I wait for The Boogeyman and do the Sadie fic first. I only want to have one other fic going besides The Mentally Ill so it's up to you which one you want first. So should I start Vampire or wait for Sadie. (It should be streaming this month)

Prompt Request - kissing in the shower, water running down their faces.

"Hey, baby. I'm home." I say. walking into my room. I went to school today, Nat didn't. She didn't feel great this morning so I made her stay in my bed and sleep.

I didn't get a response, realizing she's asleep. I smile, walking over to her. I lean down, pressing a light kiss to her temple. I tossed my bag down and grabbed some clean clothes. I made sure to be quiet as to not wake my sleeping girlfriend.

I headed though the door to my bathroom, and turned the shower water on. I started removing my clothes one by one, the room getting steamy and hot. The bathroom door opens, making me snap my head in the direction.

"You scared me." I sigh when I see it's just Nat. "I'm sorry." She says, coming over and hugging me. "Did I wake you up?" I ask when she pulls away. "No, it was the shower running. I wanted to come see you." She says.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, removing the last of my clothes. "Better now." She smiles. looking me up and down. "Funny. Seriously, do you feel any better?" I ask again, starting to help Nat take her clothes off.

"Yeah, I do." She tells me, making me smile. I get her out of all her clothes, take her hand, and walk us both into the shower. We stand facings eachother under the warm water.

Nats arms snake around my waist, and her head drops to my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her neck, standing on my toes. Kisses are left on my neck and shoulder, sweet and gentle.

"I missed you today." I laugh a little. Nat lifts her head to look at me, resting her forhead against mine. "I did too." She says quietly. My hands travel from the back if her neck, and up to her jaw. I pull her face in, connecting our wet lips.

The warm water running down our faces and bodies gives us a sense of comfort and relaxation. Our kiss starts to get more passionate. Our tongues dancing together and our lips tangled in a fight. I eventually pull away to breath, Nat chasing my lips as I do.

I giggle, using my grip on her jaw to push her back. "I love you." She tells me, a dumb, lust look in her eyes. My fingers push some wet hair off her face, tucking it behind her ear. "I love you more" I smile.

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