Van - Kiss & Make up pt. 1

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"Awesome, Turner. Keep going!" Coach yelled. Fucking Tai always makes me look stupid and terrible at Soccer. Honestly I don't like most of the girls on the team, but God I hate Tai.

I tightened my hair tie, getting back in position as goalie. Another game started, I was determined to block Tais kick this time. I mean, this is only a practice, we're going up against our own teammates. But, God I love when I prove that bitch wrong.

Once the ball got close enough to the goal, Tai kicked it straight toward the goal. I threw myself towards the ball, which I blocked. I may have blocked Tais kick, but when I jumped, I fell right on my right hip.

"Fuck." I groan, rolling onto my side, holding onto my definitely bruised hip. "Shit, are you okay?" Lottie yells running over to me, pulling me up. "You good y/l/n?" Coach yells. I hold up my thumb, signaling that I'm alive.

Lottie holds me around the waist and I hang my arm around my shoulders. She walks me over to coach Scott, setting me down on the bench, next to Van. "What hurts, y/n?" He asks. "Uhm, my hip. It's fine, it'll have a good bruise though." I tell him.

"Okay. Everyone back on the field, we still got half an hour of practice. Palmer, take y/n to the locker room to get her stuff and then take her to the nurse to get ice." Coach said. Van and I simultaneously let out an annoyed groany sigh.

Oh yeah, along with hating Tai, I have a raging hatred for Van. We never got along and we never will. Everyone tells me we should just kiss and make up, because apparently we have some sexual tension.

Personally, I've only felt it once or twice, but Natalie and Jackie tell me constantly that we need to fuck and relieve the tension. But considering the hatred that we share for eachother, that'll never happen.

"Grow up. Go, now." Coach said. Van and I stand up and start our walk to the locker room. "I can't believe you're being such a little bitch about this. Just fuckin' play, you didn't break anything." She moans. "Says the bitch who left practice two weeks ago because she had cramps." I say.

"Oh, fuck you." She says, opening the locker room door for me. I laugh, pulling the tie out of my hair and shakiing my head, saying, "Well the girls sure think you should." I walk in, Van following me to my locker. "What?" She asks.

"The team, they think we have sexual tension or something. Nat and Jackie tell me all the time that we should just kiss and make up so we stop fighting." I tell her, opening my locker.

"Huh, didn't notice. Do you think we uhm." She cuts off and clears her throat when I take my jersey shirt off, leaving me in a red, lacey bra. "Well, I didn't until now." I laugh, making fun of the way she got nervous.

"Shut the fuck up." She groans, falling back against the locker a few down from mine. "Make me." I smile. I'm fully joking at this point. It's funny she got so flustered when I took my shirt off.

"Maybe I should. Maybe Nat and Jackie are right. If we do have built up sexual tension, there's no point it keeping it pent up, right?" She suggests.

"Yeah, there is a point, actually. I hate you, Van. And the last time I checked, you hate me. So, no. there's no point." I tell her, grabbing my shirt out of the locker. "Wait, don't." She stops me.

"What? You like em?" I partially joke, nodding down to my boobs. As soon as I look up, Van grabs my face, smashing her lips against mine. Fuck, that feels different than I imagined. Not that I imagined this or anything.

"What the fuck?" I ask quietly when she pulls away. "I feel it. The tension, I mean. Do you?" She asks. "I don't know, do that one more time." I say. She immediately reconnects our craving lips. This time, I wrap my arms around her neck, and her hands grab ahold of my waist.

This kiss was different. It wasn't nervous or light, it was confident and heavy. Our tongues collide and fight for dominance, as Van uses her grip on my bare waist to slam my against the lockers. I moan at the harsh feeling, the noise making her smile against me.

Her hands roam around my waist, hips and back, mine tug and grip at her hair. Her knee pushes up between my legs, spreading them apart. "Ow, fuck." I moan, pushing her away from me a little. "What?" She asks, surprisingly concerned. "Jus' my hip, it's fine." I tell her, rubbing the bruised muscle for a moment.

"You sure?" She asks. I nod my head quickly, wasting no time, I let our lips connect again. Our lips wet and swollen, we continue making out against the lockers. Her hands find their way from my hips to my bra, gripping my tits harshly.

Her lips detach from mine as I let out a breathy moan. She leaves rough bites and kisses down my neck, letting my head tilt back and rest against the locker.

"Oh shit! I was right." We hear. Van and I immediately fly away from eachother, wiping our lips to rid them of saliva. We look over to the end of the row to see Jackie with a look of glee and pride.

"God, are you two gonna stop fighting now? Just take your anger out on eachothers bodies instead." Jackie asks. I throw my shirt on, ignoring Van's existence as she walks away. "Ew, no." Van says as she passes Jackie. "You're fowl, dude." I say, grabbing my bag and slamming my locker shut.

"I don't know, you guys seemed pretty into it." She tells me. I make a gagging noise, flip her off and walk right past her, leaving the locker room. Van and I continued to fight regularly, just taking breaks every once in a while to take Jackie's suggestion.

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