Lottie - Brunette

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I wrote this a couple years ago, I just changed it to fit characters from Yellowjackets so if there's mistakes or it just seems off that's why.

It was friday night and you had just taken your last big test of your junior year so you decided to go out with a group of friends. Your friend group of you, Tai, Van, and Natalie, have all known each other sense 7th grade and you've stuck together sense.

You all walked into the party that some senior guy was throwing at his literal mansion. "Woah!" You say glancing at the excited expressions on your friends faces. "This is gonna be fun!" Van adds.

It was already dark out and there were colorful lights shining all over and loud pop music was playing. You see what looks like the whole school dancing, drinking, talking, etc. Tai and Van wonder off somewhere together, leaving you and Natalie to link arms and go get a drink.

Once you're both on your 2nd drink and dancing together among your highschool classmates, you lock eyes with the most beautiful brown eyes you've ever seen.

Her long brunette hair sways and frames her face as she dances. She winks and looks back at the man she's dancing with as you let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding.

"You good?" Nat asks you over the loud music before taking a drink out of her red plastic cup. You nod your head taking a sip as well.

You two are now on your 4th drinks and you start dancing closer together, you can tell some people are staring at you but you go about your business.

You see Van and Tai holding hands running upstairs giggling, if you were anywhere near them you would've made a joke about using protection but they were on the other side of the room.

As you and Nat keep dancing and laughing, she intertwines her fingers with yours and twirls you around. As you turn back to face her you see a tall guys, with dark hair come up to you both. He puts one arm around Natalie and says "Hey ladies, having fun?".

You both nod giggling and Nat blushes trying not to make eye contact with him, while still holding onto your hand. Before you know it those gorgeous brown eyes are locked with yours once again.

She walks around the guy with dark hair to stand next to you, while her left hand's locked with the mans free one. As you look her up and down you see her shiny silver spaghetti strapped dress that came down mid thigh. As you make eye contact with her again she smiles and bites her bottom lip.

Her pale skin tone went perfectly with her dark wavy hair. She had freckles across her nose and blushed cheeks. You noticed she was about the same hight as you, maybe a little taller, but you couldn't completely tell while both of you were wearing high heels.

You get pulled out of your little daydream by her voice. "I'm gonna go hang over there where there's not so many people." She tells the guy who still has an arm around your Nat. Even with all the noise around you, you could hear how delicate and kind her voice was. You could listen to it all day. "Okay babe." The guy answers her.

'Okay babe.' Range in your ears. They were dating, of course they were. She gives you a quick glance up and down before she walks away. "So was that your girlfriend?" Nat asks the boy. "Uhh.." he scans the room in the direction the brunette girl went before continuing, "Yeah, yeah she is." He answers.

She catches your eye once again from the other side of the room. She's leaning against a wall in a less crowded area. Before you could do anything, you see the guy lean in and whisper something in Natalies ear. "Dude you literally just said you have a girlfriend! Fuck off." She almost yells at him in response.

As you look back over to the gorgeous girl, you see her turn off her cell. And right on Q, the dick takes his phone out of his back pocket. As you take one more look at the woman she winks at you teasingly and starts walking up stairs.

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