Lottie/Nat - Friday at 8

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"how was your day, my love?" Lottie asks. She's laying next to me on my bed, head on my chest. "It was okay. Got better once I saw you at practice." I tell her, I know she loves corny shit. She giggles, tucking her head into my neck.

I run my fingers through her dark hair. "So, what do you want to do this Friday? It's your turn to choose." I ask. Lottie and I have been dating for a while, so to make sure our dates don't get boring, we take turns choosing places to go every Friday.

"I haven't thought about it yet. Probably a restaurant we haven't been to." She tells me. Before I can answer, my phone starts ringing on my nightstand. "Hello." I answer it. "Hey, it's Jackie." The other line says. "Hi J, what's up?" I ask, continuing to brush Lotties hair with my fingers.

"Soooo, I have something to tell you. It's more for you and Lottie but I assumed you were together. I don't know if you'll even care but I think you might an-" I cut off her rambling, "Jackie, what is it?" I laugh. "I was talking to Nat today after school, and she may have accidentally told me that she has a little crush on you and Lottie." Jackie tells me.

"Both of us?" I ask. "Yes. Both of you." She says. "Oh, uh...okay. Thanks, J." I giggle. "Of course, bye bye." She says. "Bye." I hang up the phone. "Jackie?" Lottie asks. "Yeah. She said that Natalie told her that she has a crush on us." I tell my girlfriend. "What? Both of us?" She asks, sitting up to look at me. "Yeah, I guess." I tell her.

"How do you feel about it?" She asks. Lottie and I have always talked about exploring a poly relationship. We've never acted on it though, never met anyone that fit the position. "I don't know, Nats hot. If you were open to it I'd be down." I tell her. Lottie smiles, "Let's ask her to join our date this Friday." She suggests. "Okay, love."

The next day, after practice, we made our move. We all exited the locker room at the same time. "Nat, wait!" I call out, making Natalie stop and turn. Lottie signals her over with her hand, and the confusion and nerves are apparent on her pale face.

"Uh, what's up?" She asks. Lottie drapes her arm around my shoulders before saying, "We heard you have a little crush, Nat." Natalie's face gets red. "Oh my god." She mumbles, looking to the floor. "No, no. Don't do that." I say, grabbing her shoulders to keep her close to us. She looks back up, still blushing.

"We were wondering if you wanted to go out with us? This Friday?" I ask, letting my hands fall back to my sides. "Like a date?" Nat asks. I nod my head as Lottie asks, "Yeah. Are you open to that? Like, with both of us?"

Natalie nods her head with a dumb smile across her face. "Okay, cool. We will pick you up at 8 on Friday." I smile. "Okay, cool." She says. I take Lotties hand in mine and begin walking to her car.

Friday rolled around pretty quickly. Lottie and I are very excited. We talked a little, and we realized that we both had past crushes on Nat, we just never thought she'd be a poly type. I got ready at Lotties house with her, we dressed up but not too much. Lottie decided on a semi fancy restaurant, and said she'd pay for all of us. Thank you Mrs and Mr. Matthews.

We hopped in the car, Lottie driving and me in the passengers seat. Small talk and giggles filled the car on our short drive to Nats trailer. When we got there, she was waiting outside. She looks so pretty, her hair is a little more curled than usual, and she's wearing less dark makeup. She's wearing black still, but in the form of a simple dress and tights.

She smiled as she watched our car pull up. I got out, meeting her outside the car. "You look beautiful." I smile. "Ew, shut up." She fake gags making me laugh. I open the back door for her, making sure her feet are all the way in before I close it. I hop back in the front hearing music that was just turned on.

"I didn't know you guys listened to this." Natalie says happily. "We listen to everything." Lottie laughs. We continue talking and listening to music. The drive to the restaurant was only about ten minutes, and in that time we had already gotten comfortable with the added person.

This time, Lottie opens the back door for Nat. We make our way into the restaurant and immediately get seated. We're sat at a four person table, me on one side and Nat across from me beside Lottie. We order drinks and food fairly quickly, the service being incredible.

"I'm going to the restroom, will one of you come with me?" I ask. "You go, I'll stay here incase the food comes out." Lottie tells Nat, making her nod. Nat stands up, walking with me the restroom. She holds the door open for me, and I walk straight to the mirror. I start fixing up my makeup and fluffing my hair.

Natalie giggles from beside me. "What?" I laugh. "Nothing. You just, you always do that when you don't need to." She says. I turn to the side, leaning my hip against the counter to face the blonde. "What do you mean?" I question. "You always fix yourself and check the mirror like you have to be perfect all the time. You look beautiful twenty-four seven, I don't get it." She tells me.

"You've noticed all that?" I ask, taking one step closer to her. "I mean, yeah. I've liked you longer than you probably think." She says as her cheeks slowly turn pink. "Yeah, I have too." I say quietly, bringing one hand up to tuck a stand of hair behind her ear. I lean in slowly, pulling her lightly with my hand in her face. Our lips connect, and sparks immediately rush through me.

I pull away first, seeing her red cheeks and wet lips. "I liked that." I smile, still holding her face. "Me too." We head back to the table hand in hand. When we got there, our food had just been served. The three of us had a nice dinner together, talking and laughing while enjoying our food.

After dinner, Lottie payed and we head to the car. I hold the passenger door open for Nat, letting her sit in the front this time. She thanks me and I hop in the back. We listened to music on the way back, getting tired of talking. "I'll walk you up." Lottie says to Nat. They get out of the car and walk up to Nats trailer.

I watch as they giggle and talk for a minute, before Nat leans in. She stands on her toes, tilting her head up to kiss Lottie. It doesn't last very long, it's short and sweet. The sight makes me smile. They're both so beautiful, I love Lottie so much and now I'm falling for the blonde.

Nat goes inside, letting Lottie come back to the car. I got out, getting in the front to sit with her. "I really like her." I say. "Me too, love." She tells me. "And I love you." I smile. "I love you more." She says, leaning over the center console to kiss me.

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