Toni - The Night is Young (The Wilds)

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The night is young, but the sky is pitch black

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The night is young, but the sky is pitch black. "Fucking say it again." I cry. "Baby, I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry." Toni apologizes. "No! Do it! Say it again." I yell. The air is chilly, giving me goosebumps on my legs and arms.

Toni sighs deeply, her lip quivering and a tear slipping down her freckles cheek. "I kissed her." She mumbles out. I make a face like I'm about to yell, or throw a fit, but I remain silent. I turn around to let my back face Toni. My arms are wrapped around myself, attempting to keep me warm.

As soon as my face was out of her view, I broke down. Full sobs emerging from my chapped lips. "You promised me that this situation wouldn't change us." I cry roughly. "I was stupid! Of course being stranded on a fucking island is gonna change us." Toni yelled.

"Don't yell at me!" I say, turning to face her. 'I'm sorry." She mumbles, taking a step away from me. Tears continued to stream from my eyes, despite my attempt to calm down. "Please stop crying, baby." Toni asks sweetly. "Fuck you," I snap, "I can't believe I let myself love you!"

"I love you, too." Toni tells me, stepping towards me. "No, you don't. If you did, you wouldn't have kissed Shelby." I say. "I didn't do it because I like her! She was vulnerable and needed comfort. She needed someone so I was there. I was just trying to be a good friend." Toni tried to explain.

"So a blonde homophobic bitch we just met is more important than your girlfriend? Fucking awesome, Toni. Best person award goes to you." I snap sarcastically. "Hey, don't fucking talk like that. I regret it just as much as you hate me for it." She says, her anger issues starting to become present.

"Oh, you regret it? Well that fixes fucking everything, doesn't it? I regret ever loving you, ever kissing you. I regret literally meeting you, Toni. So, are we done now? Completely and utterly finished just because I regret it? No, we're going to keep fighting and yelling because that's how actions and feelings work." I rant.

"You've always been a jealous, overprotective, bitch. I always knew you'd be like that if shit went sideways but I looked past it because I loved you!" She screams getting in my face. "Are you seriously blaming me for how I'm reacting to YOU cheating on me?" I yell.

She grabs my throat, holding it hard enough that it's difficult to breath. "Toni let go." I cough out. After a few seconds. her face changes. She drops my throat, making me fall to the sand, coughing and choaking for air. "I'm sorry." She stutters out multiple times in a row.

I held my throat, looking up at the girl I once thought was the love of my life. "I never want to see you again." I say through sobs. Toni wastes no time turning around and running off into the forest.

She left me in the middle of the beach, sand covering my shivering body. I continue to catch my breath through short sobs, as I fall back onto the sand, and attempt to truly regret meeting Toni.

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