Lottie - I did it!

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A break line means it's changing to a flash back and then another is back to the present. (begins in a flashback)

"I did it!" I yelled at her. "We can't blame Natalie, okay?!"

"I'm trying to protect you. She deserves it anyways, you know that!" Lottie states calmly.


"All rise, the Court is now in session..."

I rose along with everyone else in the room, besides the Judge. I'm so uncomfortable in this nice dress and heels, I never dress up.


"She caused this love, you know that. If she hadn't let your brother overdose you wouldn't have snapped." Lottie reasures me.

"No no no, we can't go through with this! We'll get caught a-and I don't want to drag you into this, it's my fault!" I cry to her.

"Don't worry, I got it. We're not going to get caught and Nats going to get what she deserves." She pulls me into a hug as she begins to explain her plan.


"The honorable Judge McArther presiding. For assignment (state name) v Natalie Scatorccio."

"Ms. Scatorccio," The Judge begins. "you stand accused of the murder in the first degree of Jackie Taylor. Ms. Scatorccio, do you understand the information that was read to you?"

"Yes, your Honor." Natalie chokes out. I can't see her face as I'm sitting behind her, but I can tell she's holding back tears.

"What is your plea?"

"Not guilty, your Honor."


"Listen to me, alright?" I nod my head in agreement against Lotties chest. "Nat will find her body. She's probably one of the only people that ever go's there." Lottie tells me.

"Where did you put her?" I ask quietly. She hesitates before answering, "The edge of the river, by the huge rock. The spot where-"

"Where he overdosed?" I interrupt. I start crying harder into her chest so she began rubbing my back.


"Ms. Scatorccio, where were you on Thursday, January 7th, 2021?" The Judge asks.

Natalie glances at her lawyer sitting to her right. They exchange looks before she turns her attention back to the Judge.


"She was there, at that spot the night you shot her. So, the time line will add up, okay? I cleaned the gun in the river and hid it near the rock." Lottie tells me. "Oh my god!" I yell, pushing her away from me before realizing my hands are shaking.

"What's wrong?" She asks, clearly concerned. "What do you mean 'what's wrong'? I killed Jackie a-and you're blaming an innocent girl!" I yell through tears. "She's not innocent baby she-"

"I know what she did! But it could have been an accident. "


"Your Honor, what motive would my client have for killing an innocent girl? A fellow classmate whom she cared about for years." Nats lawyer is good. It scared me.

"The evidence stands for itself Miss. Your clients fingerprints were all over the victims body and the murder weapon."


"Please just let me confess! I'll leave you out of it, I promise. I don't want you to get in trouble, I need to get in trouble." I beg my girlfriend.

"Calm down, okay? Neither of us are going to get in trouble as long as you stick to the plan. I know there's probably a million things going through your head right now, and I'm sorry. But Natalie deserves to go to jail, you don't." Lottie tells me.

I can see the spark in her eyes as she speaks to me. It wasn't always there, only sense I told her I shot Jackie. Almost like maybe she's proud of me.

"This is her fault." She says. "This," Lottie picks up my left arm and holds it out to show me my red wrists. "this is her fault, baby."


"Have you reached a verdict?"

"Yes, your Honor."

"What is the verdict?"

My palms started sweating as I grew more nervous. Lottie reached over and took my hand in hers, a failed attempt to calm me down.

I tuned everyone out as the voices in my head that told me to pull the trigger, told me to put a smile on my face and walk out of this court room a free person.

I bit and pulled at the skin on my lips and bounced my leg. I hate myself for what I did. I hated Nat for what she did to my brother and me.

"It's almost over, love." Lottie whispered to me.

My mind is overloaded with thoughts. I look at my scar covered wrist and remembered Jackies voice, telling me to relax and that she loved me.

"We the jury voted and decided that Natalie Scatorccio is..."

My heart stopped as I heard,


I stood up, letting go of my girlfriend's hand and yelling to the court room, "I did it!"

This is a short story I wrote a few years ago, I just changed it to fit the characters of yj!

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