Nat - The Chase pt. 2

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Everyone's heart dropped and the only sound in the room was heavy breathing. That is until my cries became audible. "No. no no no!" I choked out. Tears started running down my cheeks and Natalie immediately turned to me. She dropped the card and took my face in her hands. She simply looked at me for a moment, wiped the tears from my face with her thumbs, and pulled me into a hug. I cried into her shoulder until she pulled away. "I love you. " She told me. "I love you." I cried.

As soon as she started moving towards the center of the circle, her eyes filled with fear and her bottom lip started trembling. Seeing her walk away made me lose it. I started crying no over and over. Tai and Van held onto my arms and caught me when I lowered myself to the floor. Tai covered my mouth knowing my yells weren't going to stop.

Shauna stepped towards Natalie and said, "turn around." And she did. Nat wouldn't make eye contact with me, I knew it was only so she could keep her composer. It's always been hard for her not to cry when she sees me cry. Shauna lays Jackie's necklace around Natalie's neck and clasps it.

At this point I'm leaning into Tai and she's hugging me while keeping my mouth covered. I've made eye contact with my brothers a couple times but I've mainly been focusing on my girlfriend.

Shauna picks up her knife from the table and holds it to Natalie's throat as she's still facing away from her. After a few seconds Natalie grabs Shauna's hand and tells her to wait. She turns around to face her and says, "You have to look me in the eye." Shauna nods and puts the knife back to Nats throat.

They are both tense. It's obvious Shauna feels bad and wishes she wasn't in this position. Natalie is anxious and breathing heavily with tears rolling down her cheeks.

I look away not wanting to see this happen. My eyes go to Travis and he's already looking at me. I give him a pleading look, hoping he'll try to help. Travis immediately knew what I wanted him to do.

Travis bolted towards Shauna and tackled her to the ground. All the girls immediately go after him and get Shauna up. I end up free when Van and Tai move to help control Travis and Shauna.

Natalie looks at me and I yell, "Run!" She nods, gets past a couple girls, and bolts out of the cabin door. A couple girls get Travis pinned against the wall with the knife now to his throat. The rest of the girls have grabbed weapons and started yelling and howling as they chase after Natalie.

Travis looks to Javi who doesn't know what to do and tells him to go help Natalie. Javi nods and runs to help me off the ground. Together, Javi and I catch up to Nat. "Natalie!" I yell to get her to stop running. I immediately jump in her arms and we hold eachother tighter than we ever have.

"I know somewhere safe. Somewhere the others don't know about." Javi says. "What?" Natalie asks as we pull away from eachother. "You can trust me." He promises. Natalie nods and takes my hand in hers as we follow Javi through the woods.

Our run takes us over a frozen lake covered in snow. We speed up our pace when we hear the others screams get closer to us. Half way over the ice, Nat slips and falls. Javi and I both stop to help her but I wave him off. "Keep going we're right behind you!" I tell him as I pick Nat off the ground.

We keep on running with Javi ahead of us. The others are getting closer and closer as we get near the end of the lake. All of a sudden my brother stops running and looks to his feet and back to us. Natalie and I come to a stop as we see Javi fall through the ice.

"Javi!" I scream and run to the hole he left in the ice. Natalie follows behind me and we hear Tai behind us yell, "Spread out so the ice doesn't break!"

Nat and I fall to our knees and each grab ahold of one of Javi's hands to pull him out. The cold made it hard to hold on but I was determined. Misty runs over to us and drops whatever weapon she had. She yanks me and Nat back and we lose our grip on Javi.

"Natalie if you save him the others will get you." Misty tells my girlfriend. I go to crawl back to Javi whose flailing in the cold water, but I stop when Misty's statement sets in. Natalie sits next to me on the ice, only a few feet away from my drowning brother. I start crying and shaking, not knowing what to do. It's either my little brother or the girl I want to marry. I can't move and I can barely breath.

Natalie puts her arm around my shoulder and pulls me to lay against her chest. She hugs me with one arm, and holds my face close to her with her other, also keeping her hand over my ear to drown out the water sounds. By now, everyone was standing around us watching my brother die.

Then all of a sudden, the flailing stopped. It went totally silent. I started crying even harder knowing Javi was gone. It's even worse knowing I could have saved him. Natalie hugged me tighter and we sat there, completely still other than my shaking, while the others pulled Javi's body out of the water.

I had never felt so guilty in my life. The choice I made was impossible and I would be in terrible pain either way.

We made our way back to the cabin. Natalie and I led the way with our hands connected. The others followed us and carried a large branch with Javi's body tied to it. As soon as my eyes landed on Travis, I let go of Nat and ran to him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he hugged my waist. I immediately started balling into brothers shoulder. "What happened? What's wrong?" He asked me. I was crying too hard to answer him. Natalie gets to where we're standing and says," It all happened so fast, Travis."

Travis's eyes finally landed on Javi as his body was being layed down. He removed my arms from him and walked over to our little brother. I don't know what he said or did because I quickly made my way away from everyone and went into the cabin.

I'm in love with this tbh I hope yall are too 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 Please leave comments and requests! One part to go!!!

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