Lottie - Sleep Talking

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Please leave requests!! my hope is if yall leave requests then it'll give me motivation to write more for this book <3

"Hey, you're talking in your sleep again." Lottie whispers to me. I groan, rolling onto my side and letting my eyes slowly open and adjust to the dim light coming through the window. "What was I saying?" I mumble, not even half awake yet.

"Not sure, all I got was "bitch" and "go away". Lottie giggles. Her words jog the memory of my dream I was having only moments prior. I groan again, closing my eyes tightly and rolling all the way over to my other side, facing away from Lottie. "Are you okay?" She asks, I ignore her.

My dream was about Lottie, she cheated on me with a girl she knows I get jealous of. Of course, I don't think Lottie would ever cheat, but over thinking and anxiety gets to me, and I have weird dreams. Usually, I forget about them and only recall a few small details, then drop it and move on.

But because she helped me remember so quickly, the pain and anger came rushing through my bones as if it really happened. "Baby..." She says, dragging out the y. "Hm." I hum, trying to make her annoyed. I know it's petty and dumb to be angry at her for something she did in my dream, but she's a sweetheart, she'll forgive me.

"Are you going back to sleep?" She asks, sitting up in an attempt to look over and see if I was awake. "No." I state blankly. "Are you mad?" She questions, flopping back onto the bed. "Yes." I say in the same monotone voice. "At me?" She asks, her voice gentle and worried. "At dream you."

"Excuse me?" She laughs, making me roll over. "Don't laugh. You cheated on me in my dream." I tell her, pulling my blanket up closer to my chin. "Aw, baby. Dream me is a bitch. I'd never cheat on you, ever. Never in a million years. Okay?" She says, a successful attempt at calming me down, but I won't show her that.

"Mhhm." I mumble, not making eye contact. She pouts dramatically. letting her lower lip puff out to make me forgive her. I roll back over quickly, not wanting to get sucked into her cuteness...too late. She whines, wrapping her arms around my waist and spooning me.

"Please forgive dream me, she wasn't in her right mind and infact it was probably an evil twin." Lottie tells me in-between peppering kissing on my back. I giggle at her apologetic words, making her laugh in return. "Yeah. whatever." I mumble, trying to hide the fact that I'm smiling. "I love you." She says Into my back, sending vibrations through my spine. "I love you more."

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