Nat - I miss you, pt. 3

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"Goal!" I yell out! Playing soccer with the kids that live at the trailer park with me is the best part of my day. "You're getting so good, I can't believe it!" I tell a Aiden, the 10 year old that lives in the trailer behind mine. "Thanks!" He replies as I give him a high five.

I'm not an actual soccer player, my girlfriend was though. Natalie tought me how to play soccer so we could teach the kids together. "Hey, someone's on the phone for you!" My mom yells to me, sticking her head out a window.

We loved it because it was something we could do together while simultaneously getting away from our shitty parents. I say my goodbyes and see ya laters to the kids and leave them to keep playing.

I love playing with the kids, but it's not the same without Nat. It's been a little over a year since she got on a plane to nationals and never came back. Hell, she didn't even make it to nationals. Nobody knows what really happened to her and her team, but it's assumed that they're all dead.

I jog to my trailer to see who called. "Hello?" I say. "Hey, it's Allie." Allie was a freshman on Nats soccer team, she got injured so she didn't go to nationals. "Uh hey, what's up?" I ask. Honestly, I really don't like her. She's annoying and prissy, but we became acquaintances when the Yellowjackets went missing.

"They were found!" She yells through the phone. "What?" I question. "The Yellowjackets, they were found in the middle of nowhere. It was all over the news." She tells me.

"Holy shit! Do you know who all was found?" I ask. "No, they haven't released a list of survivors yet. I guess their plane crashed, the news said only teens were found. They're being taken to the city hospital, so family can go see them." Allie says.

"Fuck, okay. Thanks, Allie." I say. We say a quick goodbye and hang up. I have a little freak out moment in my head. I hate not knowing if Natalie is one of the survivors, but I will soon. I called a friend to give me a ride, she dropped me off at the hospital Allie mentioned and I nervously walked into the lobby.

I spent the 1st 3 months of her absence balling my eyes out every night. Natalie was my rock, I couldn't function without her. It was the same for her. We both have shitty families, so we became eachothers home. God, I hope I get that back today, I need her back.

"Hello," I say to the nurse at the front desk, "I'm here for the survivors of the plane crash, I need to know who made it." "I have a list of names, would you like to see it?" She asks. I nod my head and give her a small please. She takes a minute to find the correct paper and then hands it to me.

Fuck, it's a short list. I begin to silently read down the list, my heart growing more anxious the further down I get, 'Travis Martinez, Charlotte Matthews, Natalie Scatorccio, ..." I let out an audible deep breath and a smile immediately appeared on my lips.

"Can I see her, Natalie Scatorccio?" I ask the nurse impatiently, she gives me the room number and a sweet smile. It takes me a few minutes to find the correct room, but when I do, I feel the happiness and love come back to me that I lost when Natalie left. The door was already open, and I heard voices, Natalie's voice.

I slowly walk in, barely going past the door at first. Natalie is sat on the bed, legs dangling off the side. Shes talking to the nurse that's taking her blood pressure. Her roots are grown out and her dark circles are the worst I've ever seen.

I lightly knock on the open the door to let her know I'm there. The nurse takes the blood pressure machine off her arm as both of their heads turn to me. Nat whispers my name, almost asking if it's really me. She pushes herself off the bed and I quickly walk the short distance to her.

We wrap eachother in a tight embrace and I feel her start crying into my neck. Tears are silently falling from my eyes aswell. She grips onto the back of shirt, pulling me impossibly close to her. "I missed you so fucking much." I mumble into her shoulder. She nods against me in response.

The nurse left the room, but Natalie and I stayed still. She's not much of a crier, I've only seen her really cry twice. Once when she lost her virginity to some older guy while she was drunk, and the other time late at night when she came over to get away from her step dad, and I found the bruises all over her body.

After what felt like 2 minutes, but was probably 30, we pulled apart slightly. I held her face in my hands and she hung on to my waist. Our forheads touching, faces red and tear stained. Nat leaned in and kissed me like she's dreamt about it her entire life. I could taste the salty tears that wet her lips.

Once we pulled away for air, I asked, "Are you okay?" It came out as a mumble, not wanting my voice to break from crying. Her face changed and I could tell she was holding back sobs. She looked down, eyes clenched shut as she tried not to cry. She shook her head no, so I kissed her forhead and walked her backwards towards the bed.

I had her sit on the side, as she was before. Tucking hair behind her ears I asked, "Do you want to sleep at my room tonight? You can take a shower and I'll make you food." "Yeah" She said and her voice cracked. God, I could never handle losing her again.

This one's def my favorite! Also my new book The Mentally Ill is published and the cast is posted!! I'll publish the Sophie fic once I get a roll on this one:)

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