Van - Lost

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The wilderness is fucking scary. Especially when you're weak from hunger, freezing from the weather, and lost with no idea where home is. And right now you relate to all of the above.

You had gone out in search of firewood, it was supposed to be a quick 5 minute trip while the weather was calm. However, 5 minutes turned to 15, and by now you were exhausted and freezing enough that you wouldn't be suprised if it's been an hour.

On top of this, you're lost. In the middle of the forest that surrounds the cabin you now call home. After only 10 minutes on the search, the weather kicked up from calm to fucking pissed. The ground is shin high in snow and and the storm doesn't make it very easy to see more than 3 feet away.

You had dropped the wood you gathered a while ago, your only priority being getting back to the cabin thaw. You could barely walk anymore and you definitely couldn't see. You had fabric covering the lower half of your face and warm clothes all over, but your skin still felt numb.

After what felt like forever of trying to make your way back, you heard voices off in the distance. At first, you thought you were making it up in your mind. But then the voices that were calling your name started getting louder and clearer.

Relief ran through your body at the same time a gust of wind came, it knocked you back against a tree. You sat against the tree and pulled the fabric covering your mouth down, starting to scream back to the voices that were continously getting closer. "Hello! I'm here!".

Finally, your friends came into view. It was only a small group of them, Tai, Mari, and Van. The first one to get to you was Van, the love of your life. She fell to the ground in front of you and wrapped her arms around you as fast as she could. At this point you were so cold you could barely move, but you hugged her back to the best of your abilities.

"We got you okay. You're gonna be okay, I got you, love." She says for only you to hear. You nod and Van pulls away and gets help from Mari to stand you up. They both help you walk as your arms are around each of their shoulders. Tai leads the way and protects you from the cold snow hitting you very badly.

They eventually got you back to the cabin, Misty was waiting for you with a cup of warm water and Natalie with a blanket. You got sat in front of the fireplace, the blanket wrapped around you and the warm cup in your hands. Van sat right next to you, your legs and shoulders touching.

"You getting warm?" She asks you while draping an arm around your shoulders. "Yeah. Thank you. " You say giving her a warm smile and resting your head on her shoulder.

Cherry Chapstick // Yellowjackets ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now