Nat - Homophobe

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This is longer than normal so beware (1119). This is based on the flash back in season 1 episode 4 Bear Down. idk how old she's meant to be in the show but for this say she's 16 or early 17.

Warning: Homophobia, slurs, sexual content (not smut), & implied abuse

"Hey, pretty girl!" I yell as I see my bestfriend come out of the school. Nat responds by giving me her middle finger. I move from the tree I was leaning on, dramatically put my hand over my heart and say, "I'm so offended!"

She laughs and grabs my hand briefly to make me walk with her. "I can still come over to your place, right?" She asks me. "Actually, no. My little brother's are home sick so my mom's home taking care of them." I tell her sadly.

Natalie groans and says. "Damn, I was looking forward to being alone with you all day." We share a glance as we both smile. "My dad shouldn't be home for a while. We could go to my place." She suggests.

"What about your mom?" I ask as I adjust my backpack strap on my shoulder. "She's probably passed out right now. Either way the worst she'd do if she caught us is tell me to keep the door open or something. I'm not worried about her." Nat told me.

I give her a quiet okay and a nod. As we continue walking to Nats trailer, our hands connect once we're far enough away from our school. As we enter her trailer, she holds her finger to her lips to tell me to be quiet. I nod and look over to see her mom passed out on the couch, just as predicted.

Natalie quietly shuts the door then grabs my wrist to lead me to her room. Once we're in her room, she shuts her door and we drop our backpacks. We giggle a little, glad to finally be alone.

No, we're not dating. As I said, we're bestfriends. However, we've had feelings for eachother for a while. Do to our homophobic families and peers, we're not officially dating though. But we decided to have a friends with benefits type relationship, so we're glad whenever we get the chance to be alone.

Natalie starts playing music as I look around. I've picked up Nat for school before so I knew her living situation. I've never been inside though, let alone her bedroom. Her room is cute, a little messy but I like it.

I plop down on her bed and fall onto my back. "Your beds comfy." I tell her. She laughs out a thanks and jumps onto the bed next to me. I stand up to begin walking around her room. "You really like Nirvana, huh?" I ask her noticing the amount of Nirvana posters on the walls. "Yeah, do you?" She asks. I nod in response and move to sit backwards on a chair.

We make eye contact after I get caught looking her up and down. I smirk and nod when she asks, "Like what you see?" "Never pegged you as a dress kinda girl. " I said referring to the loose black dress she wore. "Oh really?" She asked as she stood from the bed.

I nod and follow her eyes as she gets closer to me. Nat kneels down in front of me, rests her arms on the back of the chair and says, "Take it off me then." I smirk at her and we both lean in. Our lips linger only centimeters apart until I finally close the gap.

The kiss was sweet but passionate. We stayed as we were for only a moment. The kiss quickly grew heavier making us both rise from our sitting positions. My hands went to her hips and hers to my shoulders as I guided her backwards towards the bed.

We continue making out as the back of Nats knees hit the bed. She layed back on the bed and I followed her lead, getting on top. My hands rest on either side of her head to hold me up as hers go to my waist. She plays with hem of my top for a moment before pulling it up.

I take the hint and sit up with my legs straddling her hips so she can take off my shirt. As soon as she does our lips reconnect and her hands start roaming my back. My hands go to her thighs to pull up her dress. The dark fabric now lays right around her hips. I pull away for a moment to look at her face.

"What?" She asks. I shake my head and say, "You're just pretty. " and tuck her dark hair behind her ears. "Shut the fuck up." She laughs. "Gladly." I mumble and move my face into her shoulder. I begin leaving kissing from the base of her neck up to her jaw. My hands go back down to her legs and I slip them under her dress.

Her hands continue roaming my back as her head tilts back. Her fingers linger around my bra clasp and she quietly asks, "Can I?" I nod my head into her neck. I play with the hem of her underwear that lays over her hips. She easily undoes my bra and goes to remove my straps. Before she can pull them fully off my shoulders, we hear a door slam.

We quickly pull away from eachother. "Put your shirt on." She rushes out in a whisper. I clasp my bra and she fixes her dress as we listen to loud footsteps get closer and closer. I get my shirt on just in time as her dad barges through Nats door.

I think he saw me messing with my shirt, but even if he didn't he couldn't have missed our heavy breathing and scared faces. "The fuck is going on in here?" He yells and practically charges into the room. "Nothing!" Nat yells. Her dad doesn't listen to her though.

He faces me still yelling and goes to take his belt off. I jump backwards onto the bed and corner myself. Nat grabs his arm to stop him and turn his attention back to her. "We weren't doing anything! We were listening to music. " She yells gesturing to her active radio.

She moves to stand between me and her dad still trying to defend herself. "What are you, you a little dyke? Are you a slutty little dyke?" He yells in her face. She grabs my wrist and pulls me off her bed. She told me to go so I grabbed my backpack and ran.

I stayed outside her trailer nearby incase Nat needed me. All I heard for a while was yelling. Once the yelling settled down, I was about to leave until I heard a gunshot.

Turns out Nats dad accidentally shot and killed himself. She's safe now, but the fucker forever traumatized her and I'm glad he's gone.

Cherry Chapstick // Yellowjackets ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora