Jackie - You're Mine

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The water's cold but extremely refreshing. None of us have showered in a couple days so this is fucking heaven. "C'mon J, It's nice. " I attempted to coax Jackie in the lake. She took one step further into the water and gave me a sarcastic smile. I scoff at her and swim away as she starts a conversation with one of the girls.

I swim over to Nat and Mari who are drooling over Travis. "You guys are disgusting. " I tell them and jump on Natalie's back. "You're just gay." Mari says making her and Nat laugh. Nat holds onto my thighs to keep me on her back. I feel eyes on me so I turn around. I see Jackie staring at me and Nat, but turn away when she notices my gaze on her.

"Yeah well, atleast if I get with someone as bitchy as Travis she's gonna make me cum." I tell them. "The fucks that supposed to mean?" Nat asks. "Men suck at sex. So if you're gonna fall for one at the very least pick one with a good personality. " I say.

I feel eyes on me again but I don't look back, I know it's Jackie, and I know she's jealous. Jackie and I are in a secret relationship. Not really a relationship because she's with Jeff, that's a cover up though. We just have fun together and keep it a secret, but damn has she been getting possessive lately. I'm not complaining though, when she's jealous she's even better in bed.

"You're a bitch!" Nat says and we all laugh. I'm thrown off her back quickly though, and fall under the surface of the lake. I come back to the top for air and yell profanities at the girls. I splash them for laughing before swimming to land to Jackie.

"Hey, Jack." I say as I step out of the water, she gives me a fake smile in response. I'm only in my underwear and bra, just as everyone else. Jackie very obviously stares at my tits as I ring out my hair. The girl she was talking to luckily didn't notice as she was leaving to go swim.

I ignore her stares and lay down beside her. " Why didn't you join us? I told you the water's nice. " I ask. Jackie shrugs and says, "You were having a grand old time with Nat, didn't wanna interrupt." I scoffs and say, "Jealous much. " She shakes her head and tells me, "Nah, not the Jealous type."

I roll over to face her and use my elbow to hold myself up. "Bull - fucking - shit." I say slowly. Jackie looks in my direction and raises her eyebrows. "You're mine. I'm aloud to be jealous, not that I was. " She tells me.

"Well for the record, I find it extremely hot when you're jealous." I tell her as I stand up. She smirks and her eyes follow me as I jump back into the water.

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