Lottie - Wolf Attack

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I made the dumb fucking mistake of going with Tai on her stupid expedition. We had to turn back and head to the cabin when a wolf pack attacked us in the middle of the fucking night.

Van got the worst of it, her face was mauled up and we thought she died for a good minute. I got the second worst, my left leg was torn up, from thigh to calf.

I stayed back with Tai and Van, while the others ran back to camp for help. My leg was wrapped up so it wasn't bleeding bad anymore, but it still hurt like a bitch.

We sat there, in the middle of the dark forest until the rest of the girls found us. "Fuck, baby. What happened?" Lottie panted as she ran to me. "Fucking wolves." I tell her.

I hobbled back to the cabin, my arms draped around Lottie and Shauna the entire time. Van, being way worse than me, was taken care of first. Everyone, except for Lottie who was sitting with me, did something to help with Van.

Lottie and I covered our ears as Van's screams echoed through the cabin. Well, it's safe to say I'm not looking forward to getting stitched up next.

When Van was done, Tai sat with her off to the side. Now, it was my turn. Lottie and Misty helped me over to the table where Van was stitched up.

I layed down, Lottie sitting up by my head and holding my hand. Natalie and Mari held my legs down while Shauna held down my shoulders.

I wish I would have just passed out from the pain, I don't know how I didn't. I never looked down while I was being stitched, just screamed into my hand and squeezed Lotties with my other.

Once it was done, everyone slowly dispersed. Leaving Lottie and I alone. "Fuck." I lightly laugh. "You did great, baby." She tells me, running her fingers through my hair. "I hate this hell hole." I groan.

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