Lottie - I still love you, pt. 1

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It's nearly been 600 days. Yeah, I've been counting. Most of the world has moved on, however, losing my girlfriend to a sport hasn't been the easiest.

Our town was heartbroken when the news came out that the Yellowjackets never made it to nationals. The public mourning only lasted about a month, though. It's been over a year now, and I never once gave up on Lottie.

The stages of grief hit me like a fucking truck. The worst was depression. I've been so worried about her. Every night I'd lay in bed, staring at the dark ceiling as I think of what she could be doing right now.

Does she have food and water? How's she handling not having her meds? Is she being taken care of? Is she even alive? My mind never shut off. My parents wanted me to believe she was dead, so I could move on. However, I never for a second thought that my girlfriend was dead.

"You seriously need to start thinking about college." My mother told me. "Yeah, I know mom. I don't even know what I want to do-" I was cut off by our phone ringing. "I'll get it." I mumble and rise from the couch.

"Hello." I answer the phone. "Hi sweetheart, It's Mrs. Matthews." My heart tightens up and I my brain fogs. I haven't heard from Lotties parents in a few months, this is either terrible or amazing news.

"Hi, Mrs. M, what-" I start. "Lottie's alive. The Yellowjackets were rescued." My heart loosens and begins beating faster than it has in over a year. I finally feel like me again. I've always felt that Lottie was alive, but hearing it confirmed just made my joy sky rocket.

"Mr. Matthews and I want you to come see Lottie before we take her to the doctor." She tells me. "Oh my go- yes. I'll be right over!" I spit out happily. "And dear, just so you know, Lottie hasn't spoken since she was found this morning. I'm sorry."

Once I'm off the phone I look to my mom across the room, "Was that Mrs. Matthews? Wha-" "Lotties alive!" I cheer. I make my way to my car to drive to Lotties. She lives 5 minutes away, very convenient. Even if she lived 30 minutes away I would have sped fast enough to be there in 5 regardless.

I race to unbuckle my seat belt and get out of my car. Out of breath, I get to the front door of the Matthews house. I haven't been here since the month it happened. Once everyone started to believe they were dead, Lotties parents wanted me to come get anything that I left in her room.

I raise my hand to the door and knock a few times. It barely takes 10 seconds for the door to open, and Mr. Matthew's to greet me with a warm smile. "She's in the living room." I offer him the same smile, but we both feel the eagerness lingering in the air. He doesn't stop be from running into the house and straight to the living room.

Lottie's sat on the couch with her mother beside her. "Lot.." I whisper. She turns her head to look at me and a smile immediately appears on her face. I didn't even realize it, but tears slowly started dripping from my eyes. I've imagined this day for so long, but I had no idea how much I missed her face.

I make my way to stand in front of her, her eyes following my every move. Her mom rises and leaves the room to stand with her husband. I kneel down in front of Lottie and hold my hands out in front of me. She places her hands in mine and we grasp onto eachother tighter than we ever had before.

"Fuck, I missed you so much." I cry. Her skin is clean, her hair is damp, and she smells like vanilla, yet she still appears to be uncomfortable and dirty. She doesn't speak, just as her mother said, but she cries as I do. We lean in and rest our forheads together as tears roll down our cheeks.

After a few minutes, she moves her hands from mine to my face. She holds me close to her but it's not close enough. I wrap my arms around her waist and hers go around my neck. We embrace eachother as if one of us is on our death bed.

We did nothing but hold eachother for a couple hours. Every once in a while I'd mumble a "I love you" and Lottie would answer by rubbing her fingers on my back or kissing my shoulder. Eventually, Lottie had to be taken to a doctor. Her parents were worried about her being off her meds for so long and her state of silence.

The good thing was that neither of us were on our death beds, we were finally both happy, healthy, and most importantly, together.

Yay! first pt of four! Number two, Tai will be posted tonight. When the series is done, I'll post a ch. with descriptions, titles, and OC's for potential fanfics <3

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