Lottie - It'll be okay

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I wrote this in 1st person (I) instead of my usual 2nd person (You) so lmk your thoughts and which pov you prefer! I'll probably start using both depending on the story:) Hope you're all having a good day!

I'm sat by the fire place after a long, cold day. I'm exhausted and zoned out, watching the smoke of the fire.

I'm pulled out of my day dreams when I hear my girlfriend's voice in an argument. I turn around from where I'm sat on the floor to see Lottie and Shauna up in eachothers faces.

I stand up amongst my team to hear the conversation. But before anymore talking could happen, Shauna punches Lottie in the face. Multiple people in the room gasp, including me.

"It's okay, let it out. " My girlfriend tells Shauna. She starts punching Lottie over and over. "Shauna, what the fuck! Stop!" I yell at her. I'm ignored so I move to intervene, but I'm stopped by Tai and Van who hold me back by my arms. I kick and scream at them to let me go, but their hold on me only gets stronger.

I start to get uneasy when Lottie falls to the floor and Shauna gets on top of her. She hits her more times than I can count. Blood is visible all over Lotties face and on Shaunas fist.

After what felt like forever of screaming and pulling while watching my girlfriend get beat, Shauna finally gets off of her and walks away.

I'm immediately let go of and I b-line to my girlfriend whose now barely conscious. I fall to my knees beside her and ask, "Fuck, Lottie. Are you okay?" She nods slightly in response.

Misty offers to help me move her to the attic and I accept. We carry Lottie up the ladder and get her to the bed. Misty let's me fully take her when we get there so I can lay her down.

I cover her with the blanket and move the hair out of her face. Misty gets me a wet towel and I use it to start dabbing the blood and sweat off of her swollen face. We are alone together now, so I start to talk to her to keep her conscious.

"You're okay, baby. I'm going to take care of you, don't worry." I grab ahold of her hand with one of mine, and to my surprise, she squeazes my hand in return. "I know." She mumbles out.

After a while of cleaning up her face, I layed down beside her, our hands still connected and set on her stomach. "I love you. It'll be okay, love." I whisper.

I sit up onto my elbow so I can lean over her. I leave a gentle kiss on her lips, which she can barely return. "Love you."

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