Liv Hewson - And...Cut!

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You were casted in Yellowjackets a few months ago, and you've had nothing but fun with your castmates. However, one coworker imparticular has made your life a million times better, Liv.

You and Liv got close very fast. Ever sense you met at the chemistry read you two have been inseparable. Some of the girls you work with have made comments about you and her being a cute couple. Sometimes those comments are made in front of Liv aswell, and neither of you ever disagree.

Today, you were shooting a kissing scene. A kiss scene between your character and Livs character. In Yellowjackets, Van, Liv's character, is your character, Becca's, girlfriend. This will be you and Livs first kiss, it's safe to say you're not entirely calm.

You've talked to your bestfriend on set, Courtney, about your nerves. She told you word for word, "Dude, there's no reason to be nervous. Liv definitely likes you and the kiss scene will most likely make you guys acknowledge your feelings."

The kiss scene was your first for the day. So, after hair, makeup, and wardrobe, you met Liv and the crew at the cabin set. "Hey, you excited?" She asked you teasingly. You laughed and nodded, hoping your face wasn't too red.

The director talked to you both about the scene quickly and then got you in your places. The scene took place on the main room of the cabin, at night. Van and Becca were lying next to eachother in their beds talking and then they kiss.

You and Liv were in your places, on the ground underneath your respective blankets, facing eachother. No other actors were present seeing that the camera would only show Becca and Van. "Don't be nervous. We'll be great." She whispers to you with a little laugh. You giggle as well and give her a small thanks.

"Annnddd Action!" The director yelled. "How's your face feeling?" You ask, lifting your hand as instructed to trace the fake scars across Livs face. "Hurts like a bitch. But I mean, hey, I'm alive right. " Liv laughs. "Yeah," you whisper, "I'm really glad you're alive." She smiles at you and begins glancing from your eyes to your lips.

You follow the script, leaning in first, Liv following your actions. Your lips connect and a spark flys through your body. Suddenly you weren't acting anymore, it felt real. And you're pretty sure it felt real to her too. Your suspicions were confirmed when the director yelled, "And...cut!". But you both remained in your places, on the ground together, kissing. Except, you were no longer kissing as Van and Becca, you were kissing as Liv and yourself.

Cherry Chapstick // Yellowjackets ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora