Van - Kiss & Make Up pt.2

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NEW STORY PUBLISHED!!!! Daddy Issues [Cee] is out now!!!! check her out :) xox


Van and I have been fucking around for a few months now. This might sound odd but it's really helped the team and how well we play. Not having to deal with Van and I constantly bickering has put the team in a better mood. I've also been happier lately, making me hate some of the other girls less aswell.

"We going to your place after school?" Van asks from behind me. Practice is about to start and Van and I are the only ones still in the locker room. "Uh, yeah. Sure. What do you want to do?" I ask as I slip mg jerseys shirt on and close my locker. "The same thing we always do?" Van asks like it was obvious. "Oh, okay." I say, away and out to the field.

I haven't told her yet, but I've grown to have feelings for Van. I didn't expect it, it just kind of happened. We got so close physically from hooking up that I guess I've grown attached to her. I want to tell her that I don't just want to fuck, but I don't know how that'll go. Van has never given me any signal that she likes me as more than a fuck buddy.

Practice went okay, we all did well as usual. I worked myself harder than normal, trying to get out any unwanted anger. I know that's kind of what Van and I hooking up is for, but If I want to tell her how I feel, I don't want any pent up emotions.

"Are you okay?" Jackie asks as we all walk back to the locker room. "Yeah, why?" I shrug. "You just seem pissed today." She tells me. "Well you're not helping, J." I joke, speeding up to no longer walk beside her. We all get dressed and one by one leave the locker room. I waited for Van who was in the bathroom, so we were the last ones in the room.

"Ready?" She asks, grabbing her things. "Uhm, actually. Can we talk?" I ask hesitantly. "Sure, what is it?" Van asks. "I just, I don't know if I want to keep just fucking around." I tell her. "Oh. uhm, that's fine. We can stop." She says kind of in shock. "No, no, that came out wrong." I stutter.

"Then what do you mean?" She asks. "I don't want to just fuck." I say, focusing on the 'just'. "Okay, then what do you want to do?" She asks, very confused. "I want more, Van. I think I like you." I tell her quickly, wanting to get it out before I can change my mind.

She smiles a dumb, wide smile, "I like you too." She walks up to me, drops her stuff on the floor. She grabs my face, smashing our lips together. I moan into the kiss, finally glad to know it means something real. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask when we break apart.

"I didn't think you liked me back." She says. "You're so dumb, I hate you." I laugh. "You love me. " She says, tucking hair behind my ears. "I love you." I say, pressing our lips together.

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