Nat - Obsessed pt. 1

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this part is just back ground info so the next part makes sense.

Post-crash imagine but set in this time so they're like 23. Natalie became a famous actress, starring in horror movies mostly. You turned into a musician/singer, using your stories of being lost as inspiration.

You and Nat were never close really, you only having a small 'friend crush' on her for a couple years. Finding out Travis and Natalie got together made you incredibly jealous, and you realized your crush wasn't so friendly.

Eventually you got over it, thinking there was no way Natalie was anything but straight. Fast forward years later, you all went your separate ways and became the influencers you are now. A few years into your singing career, you ran into Travis at a bar with your band and friends. You both got drunk and reminisced, ending the night in his bed.

You two began dating and soon found out that Travis never lost contact with Natalie. You eventually reached out to her, becoming acquaintances again and finding out that her and your boyfriend hooked up a few times before you reconected with him.

You've been dating him for almost a year and a half now, and a day hasn't gone by that you haven't thought about Natalie.

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