Tai - I promise pt. 2

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This one isn't my favorite, its corny as hell 💀

"You said, "Forever, " and I almost bought it
I miss fightin' in your old apartment." I sang, alone in my room. I've always loved music and writing songs. I have tons of half finished music that I wrote on my guitar, this is the 1st finished peice.

"Breakin' dishes when you're disappointed
I still love you, I promise." I've been working on this song for about 6 months. It's about my ex girlfriend, she went missing a little over a year ago on her way to a soccer game.

We had a huge fight before she left for nationals. I wanted to come out to our friends, she didn't. I was never on the team, but I was close with most of the girls on it. She claimed she wasn't worried about what they thought, just that she didn't want to deal with the drama.

"Nothin' happened in the way I wanted
Every corner of this house is haunted
And I know you said that we're not talkin'
But I miss you, I'm sorry." I've always regretted how we left things. I know that if she's alive, she's probably moved on. However, I still lover her and miss her like hell.

"I don't wanna go, think I'll make it worse.
Everything I know brings me back to u-" I was cut off by my doorbell ringing. I only ever sing and play when I'm home alone, so I get up from my bed to go answer the front door.

I wasn't expecting anyone, I'm definitely not dressed for company. I quickly take my hair out of its tie and fluff it around. As I'm walking down the hallway the door bell rings again. "I'm coming!" I yell and speed up my pace. I'm nearly to the door when it rings for a third time. I yank the door open and say "I said I'm coming!"

I immediately freeze when I see who was on the other side of the door the whole time. "Tai?" I whisper. "Hey." She says back. "Uh, uhm-" I stutter, but I'm saved by Tais voice. "Can I hug you?" I only nod in response. She steps towards me and wraps her arms around my neck, mine hug her waist. Her being a little taller, that's how we've always hugged.

She looks alot different. Her hair has been cut very short, it looks good on her though. Her bright energy is dimmed. I don't even have to ask to know she's been through hell. But what kind of hell is a whole other thing.

We stay like that for a good minute before pulling apart. I step out of the way to let Tai walk through the door. I close the door and ask, "Where the fuck have you been? What happened?" Tai sighs deeply and sits on the couch. "The plane crashed. We were stuck in the middle of nowhere." She tells me.

I move to sit beside her on the couch. "Did um, did everyone make it?" I ask hesitantly. "No. But Natalie, Lottie, and Shauna are okay. I know those were the only people you cared about." She said kind of bitterly. "What does that mean?" I ask. She shakes her head, dismissing my question so I ask, "So, are you okay?" She answers, "Physically, mostly. Mentally, definitely not."

I nod my head, picking up on the fact that she doesn't want to talk about this. I debated bringing up our past, but I opted for something else. "I wrote a song, about you." I told her out of the blue. "Wow, you finally finished one? Can I hear it?" She laughs. "Definitely not, you can read it though." "Deal."

I quickly went to my room to grab the journal I write my songs in. It's a red leather cover notebook with an engraved pattern. Tai got it for me the day after I told her I like to write music. I make my way back to the couch where Tai is still sat. I open up the book to the page and hand it to her.

We sit in silence for a minute or two as she reads it. I never take my eyes off of her face, I can tell what parts she's reading just by her facial expression. "Dude, I'm so sorry." She says as she closes my book, setting it on the couch in-between us.

"What?" I question. "I'm sorry. About our fight before I left. I thought about you alot in the beginning. I really wish we didn't leave off like that. I hated knowing I could die with you hating me." She told me.

I stay silent for a moment, looking down at her hand that rests in her lap. I move my right hand to her left and pick it up, holding it tight. We both gaze at our interlocked fingers until I finally speak, "I'm sorry too. I felt the same way honestly. I still love you, not romantically. But I love you and I'm really really glad you're back. " I tell her, tears pricking my eyes. "Me too."

Turns out Tai had moved on just as I did. After a couple years though, she ended up single again. We had never fully lost contact so one thing lead to another, and we ended up together again. After that, we never once went to bed angry.

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