Nat - Make me

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"God you're so pretty." Your girlfriend whispered to you. However, you didn't hear her because you were fast asleep next to her. Natalie woke up about 30 minutes ago, but couldn't wake you up because you looked so peaceful.

Your makeshift beds have been next to eachother since you and your team found the cabin. This always made your girlfriend happy because she loves admiring you while you're in such a calm state.

You were lying on your back, with your head to the side towards Nat. Her on her side facing you, her hand stroking the hair out of your face. After a while, she got bored playing with your hair and she wanted you to wake up.

Nat leaned over you and began kissing your face. Starting at your cheek, she kissed all over your forhead, nose, and chin. You started to wake up as she got down to your jaw line. You started to giggle and move your hand to her hair.

"Goodmorning to you too." You laugh. She mumbles a goodmorning into your neck and wraps her arms around your waist. Your arms go around her neck you kiss her forhead a few times before asking, "How long have you been awake?" "I don't know, half hour maybe." She tells you.

"What have you been doing, weirdo? You been staring at me?" You ask. You both giggle as she nods into your neck. "Hey don't judge me. It's not my fault my girlfriend is beautiful." She tells you, making your cheeks red.

Nat wiggles out of your arms slightly so she can see your face. "Shut up!" You moan and cover your face with one hand. She grabs your wrist and moves your hand away from your face so she can look you in the eye.

"Make me." She tells you, which makes you smirk. You roll over quickly so you're laying right on top of her, your legs on either side of her hips. You begin kissing all over her face and lips, copying what she had done to wake you up.

Should I keep going with the fluff and cute stuff or would yall wanna see something different like smutty stuff and angst?? <3

Cherry Chapstick // Yellowjackets ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now