Nat - Queen of Hearts pt. 1

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This will be a 3 part short story. I wrote this from memory so if it's not exact that's why. For this series the reader is Travis and Javi's sister! She is basically the same age as Travis so you can decide if she's his twin or slightly older/younger sibling, it doesn't effect the story either way. Anyway I hope you enjoy this mini series <3

Everyone was on edge. Lottie and Shauna had just had their fight, Lottie was half dead, the weather was getting colder and colder, and everyone starving.

I was sat by the fire with my girl, Natalie and my brother, Travis when Misty came down from the attic. The attic is where Lottie has been resting since the fight. "She told me that if she dies..she wants us to make use of her body." Misty told us.

The energy in the room immediately changed. Everyone thought of Lottie as their leader and they relied on her to feel hopeful. Me however, not so much. Natalie, Travis, and I all agreed that Lottie was taking the wilderness thing too far. I love Lottie to death, she's like a sister to me, but her bullshit since getting stuck here has gotten out of hand.

"I can't imagine being here without Lottie." Van says. "Me neither." Mari agrees. "Do you think she's going to die?" I whisper to my girlfriend. She takes ahold of my hand and looks me in the eye with a gentle stare. "I don't know, love." She whispers back to me.

"She's the one connected to the wilderness, it doesn't want her to die." Mari says trying to be hopeful. " It may not want her to, but if she's starving, she won't live." Travis says. "That goes for all of us." Nat says and gives my hand a squeeze.

The hunger takes over after a while, it makes you feel like you're going insane. We've all passed that point and honestly I don't think any of us have a whole lot of humanity left.

We all stand in a circle, a table in the middle. On the table sits an animal skill with random trinkets, and Shauna's carving knife. Van shuffles a deck of cards, taking time to show us the dirty, torn, red queen of hearts.

I stand next to my girlfriend, our hands connected and sweaty. My brother, Javi is on the other side of me, and Travis a few people down on the same side. I rested my head on Natalie's shoulder for only a minute as I tell her, "I'm scared." "Me too, baby. It'll be okay, I'll keep you safe. Don't worry." She says for only me to hear.

Van finished shuffling the deck of cards, and the games began. Van pulled the top card, ace of spades. A few more people drew from the deck, including Travis, and were all safe. The deck gets to my little brother and my heart races. Nat gives my hand a comforting squeeze when she felt my nerves rise. Javi drew a 3 of diamonds. Thank fucking God.

Javi let out a sigh of relief and gave me a tight hug which I returned with my free arm. He then ran to Travis to give him the same tight hug. The sight of my brothers made my nerves ease up slightly, but now the deck was mine.

I had to drop Natalie's hand to be able hold the deck and draw a card. King of Spades. Me and my brothers all shared a greatful glance before I looked up to my girlfriend. She gave me a sweet smile, but she had fear written all over her face. The weight that had just been lifted from my shoulders immediately fell back. There was only a few people left in the circle, this made everyone even more anxious than in the beginning.

Natalie took the deck from me and took a few shakey deep breaths. She made eye contact with me for reassurance which I gave her with a small nod and hopeful smile. Nat slowly drew the top card of the deck, the red queen of fucking hearts.

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