Courtney Eaton - Nerves

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"We're going to be late, drive faster." I tell my girlfriend. "We're only five minutes away." Courtney laughs. "I don't care, drive faster." I huff. "Babe, the lights red and there's cars infront of us." She laughs.

I let out a deep breath and subconsciously start bouncing my left leg up and down. Courtney noticed my nervous habit very quickly, and tried to ease it by placing her hand just above my knee.

"Don't be nervous, baby. They're going to love you." She tells me sweetly. "You don't know that." I say. "Well, they love me and I love you. So, if two plus two is four, then they'll love you." She says.

"I don't know how that's supposed to make any sense but, okay." I laugh. "Hey, it got you to laugh." She said proudly. Before I knew it, we were pulling into the parking lot.

It's one of Courtney's cast mates, Livs birthday and they invited all the Yellowjackets girls. Now, I'm not apart of the cast, but I'm Courtney's girlfriend. I've never met any of her cast mates and she's already done filming, so Liv Invited me to the party as well.

Courtney held onto my left hand as we walked side by side. I had Livs gift bag hanging in my right hand. Liv rented out a big hotel room to decorate for the party, so we're walking the halls of the hotel, trying to find the right room.

We find the room, and Courtney knocks. The door opens, revealing Liv, along with a bunch of girls dancing and drinking in the back. "Hi guys, how are you?" Liv asks us, stepping out of the way to let us in.

"Good. Happy birthday!" Courtney says. "Happy birthday!" I say right after, holding out the bag with her gift. "Oh, thank you!" She laughs as she takes it and sets it on the kitchen island along with the other gifts.

"So, Liv, this is my girlfriend." Courtney says, also telling her my name. "Awesome. It's nice to meet you." Liv says. "Yeah, you too. Cool party!" I tell her. "Thanks, it's really just some lights and music." She laughs.

We start walking further into the room, and I let go of Courtney's hand to link my arm with hers. "See, they love you." Courtney whispers into my ear as we follow Liv. "Yeah, one person. I still have like a million to go." I whisper back.

"Oh my God, hiii!" One of the girls comes running up to us, in a high pitched voice. I couldn't really see her do to the lighting. "I'm Ella you must be the famous girlfriend?" She asks, holding her hand out. I shake her hand and tell her my name, even though she seemed to already know it.

"Courtney talks about you literally all the time, she's deeply obsessed with you." Ella's tells me and I laugh, glancing at my girlfriend as she says, "Okay, El. Don't scare her away please."

Courtney walks me over to the huge sofa. As we sit down beside eachother, all the girls yell out hi and hellos. My arm remains hooked with hers as Courtney goes around the coach, pointing to each girl and telling me their name.

She's talked to me about these girls so many times, so I know their full names. She introduced them informally, as their nickname or atleast however I know them.

"That's Jas, that's Sophie N., that's Sammy, that's Jane, Alexa, and Sophie T." Courtney tells me. They give me individual hellos and how are yous. I have to admit, they're all alot nicer than I expected.

"Oh, can I show you some videos of Courtney?" Sophie N. asks me. "Hell yeah." I laugh. "No, no, no. Let's not do that." Courtney pleas, but it's too late. I'm being shown a funny video of my girlfriend dancing.

The girls continued showing me funny videos of Courtney and telling me embarrassing stories from filming. I ended up getting added to one of the groups chats with Courtney, Sophie and Ella. Courtney was right, we had a good time and they loved me.

As it got later, we decided to graduate home. We said our goodbyes and Liv lead us to the door, closing it behind us. "See, I told you they'd love you." Courtney smiles.

Sorry I haven't posted anything today, I've been lazy asf n about to start my period 🙄 So im not proof reading this rn. But I hope yall like this! I almost typed Lottie instead of Courtney an embarrassing amount of times.

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