Shauna - Nap

810 20 3

Prompt Request - "I think someone needs a nap"

I sit beside my girlfriend, in her comfy bed. Shauna and I have been catching up on homework for a couple hours now, and I'm nowhere near done. I've been so stressed lately about school and homework, but Shauna has been a big stress reliever.

But, tomorrow is the last day of the semester and everything is due. I have a pile of homework from the span of three weeks, and only a quarter of it is completed. "Ughh!" I groan loudly, throwing myself back onto the pillow. "What's wrong?" Shauna asks, setting down her pen and paper.

"There's no way in hell I'm going to get this all done by tomorrow! There's no point in trying." I complain. Shauna rolls onto her stomach, laying right beside me."Don't talk like that." She tells me bluntly. I roll my eyes, rubbing my face up and down with my aching hands.

"How much do you have left?" I ask, turning my head to my beautiful girl. "Uhm, just a few math sheets I think. They'll take awhile, though. It's trig." Shauna says, rolling her eyes at the mention of her least favorite math. "Lucky." I say, sitting back up.

Shauna follows me, sitting up and leaning on her hand. "How much do you have?" She asks. "Fucking everything. I have four math sheets, the last half of an essay, and a government packet." I tell her, my voice clearly stressed. "Oh, poor baby." She says, bringing her hand up holding my chin.

She leans over, pecking my cheek before going back to her own work. "I'm almost done, okay? Then I'll help you. We'll get it done, I promise." She says. "Okay, thanks." I smile just before yawning. Shauna laughs at my yawn, saying, "I think someone needs a nap."

"I'm so tired. I can't concentrate anymore. Even with your help I'm going to be up half the night doing this shit." I say, becoming defeated. "Okay, lay down." Shauna says, setting her stuff back down and pushing on my shoulders.

I comply, laying back and resting my head on the pillow. "Close your eyes and relax for a little bit, okay?" Shauna tells me and I nod. I roll over, getting comfy in my girlfriend's bed, quickly drifting off to sleep.

When I wake, I'm engulfed in darkness. I sit up, looking to where Shauna is still sitting. "What time is it?" I ask, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Two thirty." She tells me. "What? Shauna, how could you let me sleep that long? I have so much to do!" I panic.

"No, you don't. I did it. Well, I'm doing it. I'm finishing your essay right now." Shauna tells me, holding up the paper she's writing on. "Really? You did it all and all of your stuff?" I ask, quite shocked she was able to finish it.

"Yeah, I've been working the whole time you were asleep." Shauna says. I jump on top of her, pushing her to lay on the bed. I wrap my arms around her neck, and she laughs at my affection. "Thank you." I repeat over and over. "Of course, baby. You were stressed and you needed a nap." She laughs.

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