Nat - Social Su!c!de

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Idea originated from Olivia's new song Ballad of a Homeschooled Girl!!! Also, catch up on Vanilla Perfume, a Sadie Harper fic, ch. 5 went up today!! :)

"Do I have to?" I whine, following Nat up to the door. "We're already here, baby. Just take your little homeschooled ass in there and try to make a friend, okay?" Nat, my girlfriend, tells me. I groan, tugging my mini skirt down my thighs from rising up.

Natalie opens the door and pulls me in by the hand. It's a crowded, noisy party...ugh. "Nat, I don't like it here." I groan. "Oh come on. Give me one reason why you can't try to socialize a little tonight?" The blonde asks, a smirk on her face thinking she won.

"I'm awkward, I've never been to school so I'm basically on the outside of an inside joke, I hate this fucking skirt, nothing I'm wearing fits right, and I'm no fun." I list, crossing my arms over my chest. "Baby, you'll be fine. You're amazing. I'm gonna go get some weed and ill be back, okay? Just get a drink, wonder around and try to start a conversation."

"Fine." I roll my eyes. Nat smiles before pressing a kiss to my forhead and heading off. "Well this is going to be a shit show." I mumble to myself, starting to make my way to the kitchen. Finding the kitchen is easy, just follow the foul smell of booze. Bottles of whiskey and vodka litter the island, along with crinkled, wet solo cups.

My face contorts in disgust, allowing me to make the decision of finding a clean glass. I open a few cabinets after shoving my way through some people, only for it to take five times to find the right shelf. I take the first glass I see, closing the door and turning around. My body hits another, taller one.

"Shit!" I curse over the sound of shattering glass. "Sorry." The guy mumbles, moving passed me. I ignore him, continuing to swear under my breath as I stare at the broken glass. I groan, rolling my eyes and going to walk around the island and into the living room. My foot catches on a slightly open drawer, sending me to my knees.

"Fuck." I groan, standing up and brushing off my red knees. When I look up, multiple people are still and staring. My eyes roll, ignoring the judgemental teens. I push my way through the pile of kids, finally stopping when I notice a familiar face. Long brunette hair frames her pale face, her smile apparent as she talks to her friend.

"Hey, Lottie right?" I question, waving and walking over. "Shauna actually. You're Nats girlfriend, right? She shows us pictures." The brunette smiles. "Shit, sorry. Hi, Shauna. Yeah, that's me." I apologize awkwardly. "No, worries. So, where's Natalie? I'm guessing she brought you." She asks, taking a sip out of her red cup.

"Yeah, she's in the middle of a drug deal I think. To be honest I could use some good weed, I've been so anxious lately." I rant, finally stopping myself when I notice Shauna and her friend glance at eachother. "Sorry, you didn't need to know that, nor do you care." I laugh, trying to ease the tension.

"I'm Jackie." The brunettes friend says, holding her hand out. I shake it, and tell her my name with a smile. "It was nice talking to you guys, but I think I'm gonna go find Nat before I make this worse." I laugh, starting to walk away. "Okay, see you later." Shauna says. "Bye!" Jackie adds. "Bye, Jackie! Bye, Lottie. Fuck, sorry. Shauna. Bye, Shauna!"

I quickly turn, making my way down the hall and away from that disaster. I push my way through groups of shirtless guys and emo girls smoking, finding my girlfriend at the end of the hall. "Hey, druggy. I wanna go." I joke with a very real groan of annoyance. "This guys trying to rip me off." Nat tells me, nodding to a twenty something in front of her.

"How much?" I ask him. "It's sixty. Your girl only gave me thirty." He tells me. I roll my eyes, yanking my wallet out of my back pocket. I quickly get the cash out snd shove it in his open hand. Nat grabs the bag of weed out of his other hand, and without a word, we make our way back through the hallway.

"Thanks, pretty girl. But you didn't have to do that. I would have gotten him to lower it." Natalie says as I drag her out the front door by the hand. "How? And don't say by flashing him because I will take that bag back in and flush it right now." I play with a smile. "You're the only one I flash, dummy." She smirks. "Wow, how romantic."

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