Van - I'm sorry pt. 4

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I honestly lost the will to do this series by this one. I might delete them all tbh I don't like these as much as I thought I would lmao

"I don't give a shit, mom!" I yell. "Well, you should! Your life is going nowhere. You need to apply to more colleges and get a job." She tells me. "I have a job, mom." I scoff. "You're a waitress, is that really what you want to do for the rest of your life?" She asks.

"No, probably not! But why do I have to know that right now? I just barely turned 18." I ask frustrated. "Because you were on track to having a good life! You had a scholarship! Your life went to shit when that girlfriend of yours went missing!" She told me.

I roll my eyes and say, "Van has nothing to do with this." My mom opens her mouth to talk but doesn't when I walk away. I grab my cars keys off the kitchen table and walk out the door. I locked the door behind me, then turned to walk down my driveway to my car in the street.

"Hey, stranger." I hear. I look up to see the familiar red hair I've seen so many times. I stop walking amd stare in disbelief. "Van? What the hell?" I laugh with a smile and walk towards her. She takes a few steps to meet me and we hug. "I don't want to talk about it. But I'm okay. Fuck, I missed you so much. " She says into my neck.

I pull away to look at her face, still standing in eachothers arms. I study her features, her freckles, scars, and burns. I trace some of the scars with my finger tips, and without realizing, tears roll down my cheeks. I only notice my crying when Van reaches up her hands to wipe the dripping tears away.

"I missed you too." I say as my voice cracks. She pulls me into a hug again, leaving soft kisses along my neck.

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