Van - Team Sleepover pt. 1

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Prompt Request - "We're not just friends and you fucking know it."

Jackie's monthly team sleepover is getting boring. We do the same shit every time: eat, watch movies, gossip, and sleep. We need something new and fun and I've prepared a proposal. "I have an idea!" I announce to the group.

We're all sitting in Jackie's room, a circular shape on the carpet floor. All the girls have drinks, snacks, and we're covered in fuzzy blankets in our pj's. "Oh no." Tai says sarcastically. "What is it?" Shauna asks from across the circle.

"Truth or drink." I say dramatically to get the girls excited. Everyone makes some kind of noise of agreement. "Fuck yeah!" Van exclaims from beside me. Now, I love all the girls, but the love I have for Van is a little deeper. As in, I want her deep inside me.

"I'll go get some beer." Jackie says. Her and Shauna head downstairs to get alcohol, coming back with a six pack in each of their hands. "How does this work, exactly?" Laura Lee asks. "It's basically truth or dare, but if you don't answer the question you have to drink." Nat explains to her.

"I'll go first." Jackie states, taking a bottle out from the pack and opening it. "Shauna, where's the wildest place you've had sex? Jackie asks. "That's too easy, a car in public." Shauna says, a dumb smirk on her face.

Everyone makes a oooo noise, teasing Shauna and whoever she did it with. "Okay, Nat. What's the grossest thing a man's ever gotten you to do?" Shauna asks, looking at the blonde right beside her. "Oh, fuck that." Nat laughs, reaching over and taking the open bottle from Jackie, taking a large swig of the beer.

"Van, how many one night stands have you had?" Nat asks. "Uh, Just two." Van laughs a little, receiving a bored look from Nat. "What's with the face? You're basically calling yourself a slut!" Van jokes. Nat holds up her middle finger, simultaneously taking another sip of beer. The group laughs, quickly moving on when Van starts talking.

"y/n, do you have any interesting kinks?" She asks me teasingly. I think for a moment, trying to decide how I want to answer her. "Yeah, I do." I smile. "What are they?" Van asks, her interest very peaked. "That wasn't the question." I reply, a smirk wide on my blushing face.

The game goes around the circle about seven times, ending with me, Van, and Jackie tipsy. Nat and Lottie are pretty drunk, they fell asleep during round five. And everyone else is totally sober. The rest of us decided to go to bed, seeing as it's almost 2 am.

Jackie and Shauna slept in the bed as usual, leaving everyone else on cushions lined up on the bedroom floor. "Are you asleep?" Van asks, poking my back. Van's at the end of the row, closest to the door. I'm right beside her, facing away. "No, why?" I whisper back.

Everyone has been asleep for about an hour, I thought I was the only one still awake. "Can we talk?" Van asks. I roll over quietly, now facing the freckled girl. "About..." I trail off, wanting her to finish the sentence. "Your kinks." Van says, immediately starting to laugh.

"You're a bitch." I say, rolling onto my back to hide my smile from her. Van starts sitting up, throwing her blanket off and standing up. "Where are you going?" I whisper yell. "Come with and find out." She smirks, heading for the door.

I quickly get up, following her to the doorway and out into the hall. I slowly close the door behind me, trying to be as silent as possible. Van nods her head down the hall, also taking my hand in hers. Butterflies fill my stomach and It becomes hard to contain my smile.

I guess I should explain our situation. I've had a crush on Van for a while, and I think she degree likes me back. Neither of us have made a move though, leaving us as friends with slight sexual and romantic tension.

Van drags me into the hall bathroom, pushing in ahead of her. She closes and locks the door behind her, causing a nervous laugh to escape my lips. "What are we doing in here?" I ask, turning around to face her. "I want to know what your kinks are." Van shrugs, leaning her back against the door.

"I cross my arms, "really?" "mhhm." She hums with a smirk. "Persistant bitch." I scoff with a teasing smile. "Very." She states. "If I tell you, what are your going to do with the information?" I ask, moving to lean my lower back ahead the counter.

"I'm going to engrave it in my mind, then use it to fuck you better than anyone has before." She tells me, pushing off the door and slowly stepping towards me. "Well, fuck. How can I resist that?" I say, a joking a tone but we both know I mean it. "You can't." She giggles, continuing to come closer until there's only an inch between us.

"I don't know, doesn't seem like something friends would do." I say, continuing to tease her and make her mad. "We're not just friends and you fucking know it." She says confidently. I take a deep breath in, trying to settle my nerves and focus.

"I have a praise kink. Hickeys and bruises are pretty hot too." I tell her, trying to remain confident even though I'm exploding inside. She smirks, moving her hands to rest on the edge of the counter by my hips. Our faces are almost touching, lips hovering and noses bumping.

"You gonna be good and quiet if I fuck you, baby?" She asks, a condescending and teasing tone. I nod quickly, looking back and forth nervously between her eyes and lips. "Words." She says, licking her lips. "Yes." I breath out, getting caught right after by Van's lips attacking mine.


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