Jackie/Shauna - Girlfriends?

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Jackie and Shauna are my long time bestfriends. We've been an inseparable trio for as long as I can remember. However, this year has been different. I came out to both of them in the summer, so did Shauna about a month after me.

Shauna and I both had a feeling Jackie wasn't straight. She dated Jeff for many years, but not long after Shauna and I came out, Jackie broke up with him. She never gave us a solid reason why, but Shauna and I knew.

Lately, both Jackie and Shauna have been acting weird with me. It started with Shauna, she seemed to get funny and nervous around me. I honestly didn't even notice until Jackie pointed it out. She made it very clear she thought Shauna had feelings for me, but the way Jackie clearly felt about that, made her just as weird as Shauna.

I talked to some of my friends about it, and they all thought the same thing: Jackie and Shauna both have a crush on me. I didn't believe it at first, but after my friends mentioned it, I started to notice little things they did that they didn't used to.

I noted the hugs that were just a little too long, opening any and all doors for me, inviting me places alone, and seeming jealous when I talked about any other girl. I believed it now, my two bestfriends had feelings for me, and I didn't hate it.

It's Fridays night, and both Jackie and Shauna had invited me out to separate places. I talked to them both, settling on the three of us going to a movie together. I figured that spending time with both of them together may help me decide how I feel about them.

"Thank you." I say, walking through the door that Shauna opened for me. My arm is linked with Jackie's, and I can feel Shauna glare at our connected skin. Jackie went ahead of us, offering to pay for the movie tickets. "Did you have a good day?" Shauna asks me, intertwining our fingers together.

"Yeah, did you?" I smile, to which she nods. Jackie turns back to us, three tickets in hand. She has an annoyed expression on her face at the sight of my hand linked with Shaunas. She quickly hides it though, plastering a smile on her lips. "Let's go." She says, interlocking her hand with my free one.

Oh lord is this hard to watch. I love them both with my whole heart, I can't choose. I can practically feel the tension radiating off of the girls, it's torture to stand between. There's no way I could make a decision, I can't hurt either one of them.

We got into the theater, me sitting between Shauna and Jackie. The movie starts, making the lights go out. Shauna offers me popcorn that she bought us on the way to theater. As I smile and take some from the tub, I feel Jackie's hand land on my leg.

Her fingers gracefully rub and scratch my thighs lightly, a comforting act that they both know I love. Little acts like that occurred throughout the entirety of the movie. Shauna held onto my hand comfortingly when a scary part came on. Jackie rested her head on my shoulder at a slightly sad part.

I was greatful when the movie ended. I stood up quickly, leading the girls out of the theater. "Why are you walking so fast?" Jackie's asks from behind me. Before I have a chance to answer, Shauna says, "Because you were smothering her the whole movie!"

Jackie turns to her, an annoyed and hurt look on her face. She opened her mouth to defend herself, but I stopped her. I turned around in the parking lot, Shaunas car within two feet of me. "You've both been smothering me!" I say, making them both turn to me.

"You guys both like me right?" I ask. They look at eachother breifly, turning back to me to slowly nod, never making eye contact with me. "Why didn't you tell me? I've been so stressed out about you two silently fighting for me." I complain.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stress you out." Shauna sighed. "Yeah, me neither. I'm sorry. But, do you, you know, like either of us?" Jackie questioned slowly. "Yeah, actually. I like both of you. Everything you guys have been doing and the way you've been acting has made me realize it. That's why I didn't choose one of you sooner. I like you both."

"Okay, so what exactly does that mean?" Jackie asks, eyes moving back and forth between Shauna and I. "Will you be my girlfriend's?" I ask hesitantly. They look at eachother, communicating with their eyes. I wait patiently for them to come to an agreement. They both smile, looking to me as they simultaneously say, "Yes."

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