1 - New Recruits

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Here I am. Finally, I made it to a landmark goal, joining a force of soldiers to dispel the anguish the Criminal world had brought upon us. This faction in particular however serves like no other, the soldiers involved are cunning, sly, and crafty, almost like criminals in a uniform. There's only a little spite behind these thoughts. After all, here I am. Rules can become a festering plague, and with the Government we have currently, this plague has become nonsensical.

I stood in a line amongst fellow new recruits with my head down, waiting for the iniation. There were atleast ten of us lined up. We were ushered in so quickly that I didn't even have the time to look around me. One thing was for sure though, these recruits came from all walks of life, but with one glance I could tell who would struggle and who wouldn't.

The Lieutenant walked in. Hands behind his back, a mask depicting a skull covering his face, and goggles that were orange tinted. He was definitely a sight to behold, something about his stance screamed wickedness.

"Attention!" He bellowed and everyone's head's raised within seconds. My own body stiffened at his loud voice. He slowly walked up and down the line, scouting the recruits with a wolfish glare. Despite being outside, not a single sound was heard. The heat from the sun blazed on us as we all watched him move silently. It was almost as if time had frozen in place with how everyone stood. Becoming a soldier of this calibre required ALOT of patience and discipline. It was no surprise how quickly everyone fell in line.

My mind began to wonder. This line, this place... it was daunting to say the least. I was confident in my skills, and I trained since I was saved. Of course i joined for the fight (and the perks) but there was one man. Price. His name was etched into my brain from the moment he pulled me from the rubble. He became a guiding light, a teacher, a saviour. But he left as swiftly as he came. He visited of course and a bond grew, but this difficult work pulled him away constantly.

I'm here to see him, to learn more from him. But most of all, to help him. I did not work as hard as I did all my life to fail now. The broken bones, the missing teeth, the deaths that haunted me-


I swear it was sunny a second ago. I was practically dying from the heat. Why is it cool all of a sudden?

I realised my head hung low as I was deep in thought. I slowly raised my head to see the towering figure of the Lieutenant before me. He was built like a brick wall-

"Step forward." He growled.

On instinct, I did as he said and gulped slightly. Of course, my own mind had to betray me. I'm definitely in trouble now.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned, his eyes cold and lifeless.

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly. What did he mean? My answer was crucial. "I-"

"You're here to fall in line. Do you think you're better than us? Looking down on us with disrespect." He glared, taking a few steps back.

"No Lieutenant, I-" I started, taking a small step forward.

"Are you fond of making excuses? Do you not understand the gravity of the situation you're in, woman? Do you even deserve a place amongst us?" He questioned, arms folding. Then it dawned on me. I glanced around at the line. I was in fact, the only woman in this line.

But this aggravated me. Was it blatant sexism? Was he trying to rile me? Whatever it was, he pushed the right buttons.

"I FOUGHT to get here. My blood, sweat, and tears paved this way. I have just as much of a right as anybody else here." I spoke sternly, carefully. He was in charge. If he wanted to throw me out, it would only take a second. But now he was disrespecting me, and my dedication.

He did not like that. The air became tense and full. He didn't need a mask to know that he clenched his teeth at my words.

"Show me what you got, woman." He murmured before swiping his leg, trying to buckle my own.

Panic ensued me. I instinctively stepped back and raised my hands slightly. I did not think it would escalate to this. Hell, it was my first day. But it didn't matter, all eyes were on me and I was here to be made an example. He wouldn't go easy on me now, but I wasn't going to fight back, no. I was smarter than that.

Swiftly, he swung at me, and I let his fist connect with the side of my jaw. The pain knocked me off my feet and I fell back, holding my face. I was heaving. My finger brushed against my lip and I saw red. Blood.

My eyes fell on him, with a glare but I dared not speak a word.

"Hey! Hey! Watch it! She's precious cargo!" Someone yelled, jogging over. I looked back at his name tag. Johnny. He held out his hand to me and I graciously took it with him pulling me up.

His eyes met Johnny's with a glare. "Everyone, dismissed." The Lieutenant scowled before walking off himself.

"Tch. We should take you to the infirmary." Johnny said with a small smile and I nodded slowly.

What the hell was the Lieutenant's problem?

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