61 - Unwelcomed

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~ The Next Morning ~

"Yes, sir. I'm aware- but it was necessary in the circumstances. We weren't anticipating her nose to be broken but- for what she caused-"

I began to stir awake, my head resting against Ghost's chest. He held his phone up to his ear as his arm was wrapped around my back, drawing circles against my skin.

"Mm.. be quiet." I grumbled, pushing his face lightly in an attempt to shut him up.

"I understand, sir. I will lead on it, and take full responsibility. Now, the Missus is needing me to be quiet so I need to-" He started bringing the phone away to hang up.

I heard a faint 'no, wait' before he ended the call. I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. "Who was that?" I asked curiously.

"Shh." He whispered, shaking his head. "Long day. Let's savour this, woman." He mumbled, leaning down and kissing my head.

And so we did. We stayed like that in eachothers embrace for a while. I almost fell back asleep until he tapped me, signalling for me to get off him. I complied, turning on my side away from him.

Ghost got out of bed, turning on the light. "Come on, kitten." He beckoned for me to get up.

"Why? What are we doing?" I questioned, sighing heavily.

"Natasha Sokolov, and Angelina Lebedev." He answered bluntly.

"We're doing them? I had a feeling Angelina was fruity but Natasha is just-" I started but closed my mouth when he turned to me, crossing his arms.

"Get up, woman." He grumbled to which I laughed.

"Okay, okay. I'll press the uniforms and join you for breakfast after." I started, crawling out of bed.

He nodded and left the bedroom to start on breakfast.

After pressing the clothes and taking a quick shower myself, I walked out of the bedroom with just my underwear on. "What's on the menu today, chef Riley?" I teased.

But then I looked at the kitchen in confusion. Ghost wasn't there. My body stiffened at the sound of a gun clicking off safety.

"Go back into the bedroom, kitten. Do not turn around."

I heard Ghost's voice boom from behind me.

"C'mon Riley. Don't be like that. Tell your жена (wife) to turn around."

Now that was a very watered down Russian accent. An unfamiliar voice. What the fuck was going on?

Ghost remained silent.

"Сука (bitch)! Turn around and get over here before I blast a bullet into your precious Lieutenant." The voice threatened.

"Melnyk. You so much as look at her with your filthy eyes and I'll-"

"You are in no position to be making threats, Riley. I need to speak to your жена (wife)." Melnyk spoke.

"Kitten, do not-"

"It's okay, love." I reassured him, crossing my arms to cover my breasts and turning around. Now I saw the figure standing up in front of the couch, holding a gun in my direction. Ghost seemed tense, sitting on the couch, keeping his eyes steady on the intruder.

How the fuck did this man get into our home? On base? And when?

I walked over to him, and got a good look. He was another powerhouse, like Ghost. Tall and built, but looked more rugged. He had definitely seen better days. His hair was a bright ginger and his eyes were a deep pool of hazel.

Those slender eyes looked at me up and down as a smirk slid across his face. It was disgusting. "Ебать (fuck).. I can see why you'd screw her. I bet she takes it good, right? Right?" He taunted. "Maybe I should just..." He mumbled, reaching his hand out to touch me but then stopped himself with a smile. "Next time."

I winced at his comments. Oh how I wanted to just strangle him.

Then he waved his gun, gesturing me to sit down beside Ghost. The moment I obliged, Ghost pulled his t-shirt off and turned to me.

I faced towards him and he pulled the tee over my head, allowing me to cover myself without flashing the stranger in the process. I adjusted the top whilst Ghost sat shirtless instead.

"Way to ruin the show. The eye candy definitely made this more enjoyable." Melnyk sighed, shaking his head with disappointment.

Ghost was seething with anger. He looked like he was about to explode into flames at any second. But I know why he hesitated. None of us were armed, we were both half nude and at a severe disadvantage. I didn't want to make a move either. This man managed to break into our apartment right under our noses, that made me extremely weary.

"Why are you here? We had an agreement-" Ghost started but Melnyk interrupted, making him clench his teeth.

"We did. But the deal's off now. I figured I would give you the courtesy of knowing this information." He answered, walking around the couch to stand behind me. "And you have only your маленькая птица (little bird) to blame." He added, dragging the barrel of the gun across the side of my neck.

"You took someone from me. Someone precious. But I'm getting her back." He hissed, walking back in front of me and lifting my chin up with the gun to look at him.

"Fuck you." I spat at him but then he hit me across the face in return. Ghost was about to jump out of his seat but I held him back.

"You'll do well to listen, Сука (bitch). Natasha Sokolov is no longer here. Anything you were wishing to get out of her, you can't. This is your last warning, stay out of this business. For the good of yourself and your Lieutenant." He then turned to Ghost. "My friend! This was a kindness today! Say thank you." He said lowly, turning serious.

But Ghost didn't look at him. Suddenly the gun was raised and he pulled the trigger, the bullet slashing my ear and hitting the wall behind me.

"Fuck!" I yelled, my hand immediately going to my ear as I heard ringing. It disorientated me. I couldn't even focus on what was being said but Ghost was quick to perch up and they exchanged a few words.

Melnyk saluted at me with a smirk before quite literally just walking out the front door.

"Kitten!" Ghost shouted,  grabbing my shoulders. But he sounded hazy, I could only squint my eyes at him.

"Fuck! Stay here!" He growled before getting up and rushing to the kitchen. After a few moments he returned with the first aid kit.

"Here, show me." He instructed with deep concern, his voice sounding a lot more clearer now with the ringing subsiding.

My ear was bloody and drenched. But Ghost managed to find the wound which was a scrape against my cartilage. He pressed the disinfectant against it and I hissed in plain, turning away from him.

"S-stop." I frowned, trying to push his arm away. I did not want to deal with this first thing in the morning.

He rejected my resistance and cupped my cheek with his other hand. My cheek was also red and bruised from that untimely slap. I winced as he caressed my cheek lightly, turning my head back to him.

"Natasha Sokolov is gone." I mumbled.

"I'll kill him." He answered sternly, placing a bandaid on my ear. "He won't live to say anything else about you." He wrapped his arms around me, bringing me into his embrace tightly.

"I'm okay." I answered genuinely, looking up at him.

"I'm not." He retorted, looking down at me as he moved the hair from my face.

I couldn't help but laugh a little. "We'll get it done. We always do." I reassured him, leaning up to kiss him on the lips.

He returned the kiss and pulled away. "Come. We have a long day."

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