41 - Hiding Out

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~ Present ~

"What were the perks?" Ghost asked, his hand now resting on my shoulder.

"I get to be in the know when it comes to Mafia business. I get to eliminate them, and I got a lot of money." I smirked. "There a few added extras like the redaction and some plays with who I answer to. But that's minor compared to the money." I added. "But.. with the soldiers we lost that day, it didn't feel right to use the money. I donated shares to the families affected. Because by God did they need it."

"Mm, I suppose it needed to be addressed." He mumbled, reaching over to turn off the light. "I guess the contract needs to change now though, because you only answer to me now." He teased, leaving a kiss on my forehead. "Get some rest, kitten. Big day." He mumbled, moving his hand to my hip.

Ghost didn't have to tell me twice. A lot of emotions were experienced that night. I was mentally and physically tired, and I clocked out so quick I didn't even register his reaction to my story. But I'm sure it was nothing negative.

~ The Next Morning ~

"Kitten. If you sleep any longer you'll miss the mission." Ghost informed, shaking me lightly.

"Fuuuck oofff.." I grumbled, turning on my side.

"Oh I'll fuck something alright.." He retorted, turning me back and yanking the blanket off me so I was now exposed to the cold air, it running across my naked body.

"It's your fault." I hissed, my eyes fully opening.

"What is?"

"Everything." I answered to which he rolled his eyes, kissing my cheek before he stood.

"Get up and shower kitten, I'll make you breakfast." He muttered, disappearing.

Make breakfast? How?

Then I actually realised where we were.

What the fuck? How did we get back into his apartment?

I had so many questions but I knew he wouldn't answer any of it until I showered. So that's exactly what I did.

By the time I was out, I noticed my uniform pressed and hung on his wardrobe, with my undergarments paired with it. Very strange, but I got dressed anyway.

"Love, how did we get back here?" I asked, walking out of his room with the aid of my crutch.

"I drove us?" He asked, looking back at me like I had asked a dumb question.

Then I though for a moment. Maybe I had.

"You drove me while I was naked?" I asked again.

"No, woman, I put your clothes back on." He sighed, shaking his head.

"But then you took them back off." I retorted.

A smile spread across his face, he loved to play with me like that. "Yeah, I did." He said proudly.

"Then you retrieved my uniform?" I added, walking up to the dinner table and sitting down, braiding my hair.

"That I did not do." He answered honestly and I pressed for more. "I told Konig to get it from your room and to pick you up from here." He said stoically.

"You did what?" I questioned, looking at him with shock.

"Kitten, look at your neck. It's no secret that something happened last night." He muttered. "But don't worry, I washed your bra and panties. He didn't get his hands on those." He smirked.

I looked down at the glass table, glimpsing at my reflection. I was wearing a turtleneck, probably Ghost's idea so I could best hide my hickeys but one still peaked out from underneath. It looked like something had taken a chunk out of my neck when I pulled the top down. But actually it was a beast of a man.

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