73 - Gift-wrapped

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We made it back to the hotel without having to stop anywhere for a 'quickie', which was an achievement to say the least. I've heard uncomfortable things about doing 'it' in the car, I'll deal with the kink but not the confinement.

Once Ghost closed the door, I placed the bags on the side as he put the briefcase under the bed.

"Get changed." He instructed.

I brought the lingerie bag to the bed and emptied the contents out. It was packaged beautifully. "I have a request." I spoke.

Ghost thought for a moment. "Granted." He muttered.

"I want you to wait in the bathroom and then I'll call for you when I'm ready." I suggested, glancing back at him.

"Mm. I guess that makes sense." He mumbled, strolling into the bathroom. "Don't keep me waiting, woman." He warned.

As soon as I heard the bathroom door shut, I stripped out of my clothes and cut the tags from the lingerie. Then I proceeded to put it on which proved difficult. Of course Ghost didn't pick a simple two piece, no. This one had all sorts of bows and chains hanging from it. It took me a couple minutes to  figure out what was happening and how to tie everything up but Ghost's patience was wearing thin.

"I'm coming out." He grumbled, opening the door to see my back turned to him. Shocked, I turned around with a pout, the unfinished bows still dangling at my hips and arms.

"I didn't call for you yet." I pouted.

"Fuck me.." He whispered, pulling down his mask in disbelief.

"You'll have to help me." I instructed, beckoning him over.

Snapping out of it, he nodded slowly and approached me, gently tying the straps and bows against my skin. Just as his hands began to roam to other places, I quickly grabbed his wrists, turning to face him.

"Let's do it again." I suggested with a grin.

"Do what again?" He questioned.

"Like go back into the bathroom and then when I call you out pretend like you're seeing it for the first time." I explained.

"Really, kitten?"

"Yes, really. I didn't even get to see your first reaction." I pouted.

Ghost let out a small sigh and nodded, kissing me on the forehead lightly. "Yes, Ma'am." He mumbled before heading back into the bathroom.

Now that he was gone again, I let my hair out of my ponytail and messed it up a little before picking up my phone. With a cheeky grin, I began to take some precarious photos of myself in this new set and then bulk sent them to Ghost. I heard the notifications ring through the silent air and noticed the read receipt almost immediately.

Suddenly, Ghost burst out of the bathroom and walked up to me with fire in his eyes. He wasted no time before smashing his lips against mine and picking me up. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around him, my crotch pressing lightly against his abdomen, but I could already feel his hardness.

He brought me over to the bed and dropped me onto my back. I let out a small huff from the impact but was given no room to adjust as he immediately went to attack my neck with kisses and love bites.

"Fuck kitten, look what you do to me." He breathed against my neck as his ungloved hand crawled up to grope my breast through the bra. The bra was designed perfectly that there was only net covering the nipple, and he used this to his advantage. He rolled his thumb over my bud, the net scraping against it lightly.

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