16 - Night Terrors

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Tw - gore

I was frozen at his touch for a moment. He was doing it again. Toying with me. But then I snapped myself out of it, jumping back.

Ghost stood up with a smug look on his face but I could only glare at him.

He was definitely not gay. The gays would find him annoying. But also, it seemed he just wasn't fond of strip clubs.

I stood up myself and brushed off my skirt. "Let's leave." I mumbled, walking out ahead of him.

He strolled the empty wheelchair behind me. "Since when?" He asked, indicating the fact that I could now walk (mostly) without an issue.

"Since we had food." I replied, smirking to myself. That was hours ago. Really, I just enjoyed being pushed by him, but I'm glad I was able to walk again.

Our car was parked quite a distance away, mainly because it belonged to base and we didn't want to get caught. It was now deep into the night and the only thing that illuminated the streets were the very few street lamps.

It was a dodgy area after all. Most of the lamps had been smashed or taken down, God knows how. But we walked in silence, me ahead and him watching me from behind.

"Y'know-" I started, looking back at Ghost but then I heard a scream. "Watch out!" Someone yelled but it was too late.

I had hit the ground. Someone pushed me over at full speed. Then a dozen steps followed them. I look up to see a boy no older than 16 running away from a few men who were twice his size.

"Y/n!" Ghost shouted as he ran over to me, leaving the wheelchair behind. Before he could even attempt to help me up, I got to my feet. "We have to help him, LT."

"Y/n, no-"

"We have to." I repeated, about to run after them but Ghost grabbed onto my wrist. Tightly.

"It's not our business, nor are you in any condition to do so. That's an order." He commanded.

I looked down at his grip with a glare before prying his hand off me. "You stay here then." I hissed, going off the chase that gang.

Of course. He didn't stay.

I look over my shoulder to see him catching up to me, fairly easily at that. Maybe I'm just slower because of the after effects. We were led down an alleyway. The approach was careful as I heard punches being thrown.

"Y-you already took what I have! Please!" The boy begged, his face already bruised purple.

"Oh no. We haven't. You see, parts of you will sell for alot... and then the debt is cleared." One laughed maniacally as the other continued to punch the boy in the face.

I step forward to intervene but Ghost stopped me. "Are you sure about this?" He said with low tone. I nodded and he stepped back, giving me the green light.

"Hey! You! With the bald head! What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yelled, approaching the group of burly men. Ghost was no longer to be seen. Where did he go now?

"Look here boss... she'll sell for a pretty penny." One smirked. But my attention wasn't on him. It was on the boy who was falling in and out of consciousness. "Get her. But don't hurt her, too much." The boss chuckled.

Undoubtedly, these 4 men were double my size and height. But I had gotten myself out of worse situations. This should be a piece of cake, right?

The boss held back, near the boy and watched. All I had to do was clear the 3 oafs in front of me.

I put my fists up, ready to redirect any attack they threw my way. But then I hear a click.
And after that click, two bangs. Noises that broke my concentration as I looked ahead, the 3 men turning behind them with shock.

The boss. Dead? Two bullet holes appeared, one in his upper chest and the other in his lower chest. He had attempted to pull out his gun and it was now just out of his reach He'd bleed out if he didn't seek medical attention very soon.

But that wasn't my problem.

"Move. Help the boy." Ghost ordered, appearing behind me, holstering his gun. It was him.

Of course it was him.

I didn't need his help but I complied, rushing over to the boy.

Ghost now stood before these three giants, but he was a mountain himself. Still as calm and collected as ever. That was until one man had the guts to throw a right hook, but Ghost didn't even bother to move out the way.

The punch connected, almost too well, with a thud. But a look of horror emerged on the enemy's face as Ghost turned his head and rolled his shoulders back. It was like the punch didn't even happen. "Want to try that again?" He mocked, his eyes curling slightly, indicating a smirk.

The enemy shuddered and stepped back a little but before he could even evade anything, Ghost threw a mighty punch in his direction. This one not only connected, but practically rearranged his face, the poor man dropping to the ground in an immediate knockout. "Tch. Who's next?" The two remaining decided to rush him.

"Hey! Hey!" I yelled, getting down on my knees beside the boy and scanning him for injuries. He was passed out. I looked down at his leg to see pooling blood.

Thank God I had first aid training.

Slowly, I touched the leg to identify the problem but then the boy's eyes shot open, screaming out. "No! It hurts!" With that, he shifted his weight slightly, revealing his bone sticking out from the back of his leg, like someone had snapped it.

"Sure looks like it would.." I mumbled, beginning to rip my skirt.

"I-I'm so sorry Ma'am..! I d-don't want to die!" He begged, getting more panicked as the moments passed.

"Nobody's dying, certainly not you. What's your name, kid?" I asked, pulling the fabric into two parts.

"R-Ronnie.." He whimpered.

"Well, Ronnie. You're doing amazing, sweetie. So don't go losing your head now. I remember a time-" I started but then heard a grunt behind me.

Right. Ghost was still trying to fend them off. I looked back to see him struggling against one of the guy's grip as the other one got up from behind Ghost.


Quickly, I pulled out the knife I carried and waited for the perfect moment. "Look out!" I yelled as I kept my eye on the target, throwing the knife at a ferocious speed.

Ghost swerved back in time after heading my warning. The knife hit bullseye, landing through the skull of the one who got to his feet.

He wasn't on his feet no more.

Ghost looked back at me, utter disbelief in his eyes. Right. He's never actually seen me fight before. Well, I have talents of my own. I had always been gifted in accuracy and speed, making me one of the best sharpshooters. Knives were no different.

He went back to finishing off the last guy as my attention returned to Ronnie. "Okay, so this might hurt just a little but I promise you, its easy-" I started but then quickly cracked his bone into place.

Ronnie let put a blood curdling scream as tears fell from his eyes.

"Took that like a champ." I mumbled, wrapping the fabric around his leg and tying it tightly so it adds pressure.

"M-mom.. I need to g-get back." He coughed out, trying to get himself up. "We'll get you back to your mom. Right now, you need surgery." I instructed, trying to help him to his feet. Another thud was heard. The last man dropped to the floor and Ghost walked over. Sirens could be heard in the distance.

"We need to leave." He ordered, picking Ronnie up with ease. It saved me from struggling to carry him.

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