78 - Flowering

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Fuck me.

My everything is sore.

My eye opened, the other being covered with a bandage. I barely had the energy to lift my hand, I just got the feeling in my fingers. To which I squeezed, feeling a familiar touch.

I tilted my head slightly to see Ghost's head resting against the bed, his hand engulfing mine. "Y-You sleeping..?" I whispered, hearing the beep of my heart rate steadily in the background.

Ghost lifted his head to look at me, his eyes widening. "You're awake..?" He said quietly in disbelief, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah.. I guess I am." I mumbled, letting go of his hand and reaching up slowly, my hand shaking as I slowly pulled his mask down. He had a long stubble growing and tired eyes. "What happened to you?" I laughed but then began coughing.

Ghost quickly grabbed his water bottle and held it up to my mouth, getting me to take a sip. He wiped away the water that dribbled from my mouth with his thumb. "A lot has happened." He frowned.

"Am I.. my eye- is it...?" I said quietly, taking a deep breath, nervous for his answer.

"It's uh.." He started, helping me to sit up once he saw me struggling. "Maybe I should get Hope- I should tell everyone you're awake and-" He rambled, getting up from his chair and grabbing his crutches.

"Simon wait-" I urged, grabbing his hand, noticing the bandages on my arm that spanned from the shoulder all the way to my hand. My finger tips were also covered with white bandages, my ring finger empty. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight. "How long has it been?" I questioned.

"Just under three weeks." He answered blatantly, catching my eye. "I'll get the nurse." He mumbled, letting go of my hand before walking away.

I sighed heavily and looked up at the ceiling. Where was my ring? Where does that put us? He seemed relieved to see me awake, but cold at the same time. It also dawned on me that we were no longer in Russia, we were back on base. It must have been a busy three weeks.

As I was stuck in my own head, the door burst open.

"Y/n!" Price shouted, rushing over to the bed and pulling me into a hug.

I smiled and returned the hug, closing my eyes. "Price... I'm so sorry for worrying you."

"Don't fuss about that sweetheart. I'm just glad you're awake." He sighed, pulling away and kissing me on the head. "How are you feeling?" He asked with concern.

"Scared." I answered honestly with a sad smile. "I-I don't want to see what it looks like."

"That's normal, soldier." He reassured. "Your mission was a success, Anastasia Stepanov was successfully detained, and awaiting your verdict. But don't stress about that now. Just get better." He instructed before Hope came into the room with Johnny.

"Shit-" Johnny hissed, stepping back out of the room.

Price looked back, raising an eyebrow. "You're suppose to be on duty, Soap." He glared.

"I heard the news! I had to check it out myself!" Johnny pouted.

"He's here to help me too. Apologies Captain, but I ought to kick you out. And no more visitors." She ordered, placing the tray on the table.

"Yes ma'am." He nodded, squeezing my hand lightly. "There's a lot of love for you, sweetheart. Embrace it, you're going to be bothered a lot today." He smiled before leaving the room.

"Go on hun, say your piece because I have business to get down to." Hope spoke to Johnny who lingered around.

"Tch. All the gifts have been moved to your home! I bought this really cute flamingo for ya. But this room kept getting full." He sighed, leaning down beside me. "It's good you're well. You worried us all! LT most of all, of course. Hopefully now he'll get some good shut eye. I have not seen that man sleep if it wasn't in this room." He commented, patting my hand before leaving Hope to it.

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