80 - New Beginnings

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~ A couple days later ~

"To the left... now to the right... up.... down... straight ahead.." the eye doctor instructed, tracking my eye movements before leaning back and turning the lights back on.

"What? What is it?" I questioned, studying his expression.

"Already assuming the worst?" He laughed, writing down on his chart.

"Wouldn't you if half of your eye was missing?" I sighed, watching him scribble notes down.

"Hm. Well good news is your eye is healing well. It's not affecting the vision in your other eye, which is promising." He explained. "I'll continue you on this prescription as it seems to be working. Any questions?"

"Can I get my vision back?" I asked bluntly.

The doctor paused for a moment. "... we'll have to continue to monitor the situation. Wait until your eye is fully healed to assess the damage. It may be that you're suitable for surgery, or a transplant. Or it may be something you'll have to live with."

"So what you're saying to me is you don't know?" I clarified.

"Yet. I don't know yet. If you stick to your regime, we'll know soon. With your comments on seeing lights and shadows, your eye may be salvageable. But it's unlikely that all your vision can be returned." He answered, moving his chair out of the way. "I've sent your medication to nurse Hope. I'll see you in two weeks."

"Right. Thanks doc." I mumbled, standing up from the chair and leaving.

Then I immediately went to Ghost's office, and as usual, I didn't knock before I went in. When I opened the door, I was met with four soldiers sitting down on the couch with Ghost sitting at his desk.

He had changed his office back for the most part, it was a compromise for keeping the decor in our home. But he still kept little touches of mine such as the couch, the tea and coffee machine, and little pieces of decor.

Everyone stopped talking as their eyes landed on me. Then the soldiers stood up and saluted.

"At ease, soldiers." I mumbled, closing the door behind me and walking over to Ghost's desk.

"Any news?" He asked, watching me.

"No news... but I suppose that's good news." I muttered, propping myself up on his desk, sitting so my back was facing him. "What are we talking about in here?" I asked curiously.

"Mm. Soldiers, dismissed." Ghost answered as the soldiers saluted once more, getting ready to leave.

"No! Don't leave on my account. Continue your meeting. I'll hush, I'm on leave today anyway." I shrugged, swinging my feet lightly.

The soldiers looked at Ghost for his approval which he sighed quietly and nodded. "We'll continue."

To be honest, I hadn't a clue what they were talking about. I should have, I did cover parts of Ghost's work when he was away on deployment. But it just sounded like a bunch of nonsense  to me. Something about stock take, missing guns on a neighbouring base, shipments coming in.

I jumped off the desk and walked over to the coffee machine. "Any of you lot want tea? Coffee?" I called out to them, filling the machine with pods. There was hesitance for a minute. "I'll take one! Tea!"

"Me too!"

"Me too please!"

"Me as well! Coffee please!"

"Okay three tea, one coffee." I mumbled, hoping it would pass the time.

It didn't.

I made all the cups and placed them on the tray, handing them out, leaving the extras on the table and receiving thank yous in return. Then I moved round to Ghost, placing his black tea on his coaster.

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now