27 - Maximum Exposure

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"It can wait."

"But Lieutenant, it's for consistency. We need to take these tests at the same time ever-"

"She needs her sleep. We haven't even eaten yet."

"She technically shouldn't even be-"

"We can postpone. That's final."

I began to stir awake slightly, just as I heard the door close. My eyes fluttered open and the only view I could see was... skin?

Then I came to realise a warmth against my shoulder.

"Mm.. you awake?" He whispered, rubbing my arm gently with his thumb.

"No." I grumbled, moving back slightly so I could look up at him. "Who came in?"

"The doctor. How did you sleep?"

"Well." I answered, squinting at him. "You didn't sleep, did you?" I asked in return, noticing the darkness that surrounded his eyes.

"I did. For a bit." He sighed, removing his arm from my side so he could rest it behind his head.

"Y/n! LT! I brought-" Lucy started, bursting through the door to see a sudden sight. I was still lying on top of him.


"Oh! Oh~.. I will leave you guys to it! Uhm!" She spoke with a blush on her face, quickly closing the door again.

Ghost remained unbothered, closing his eyes.

"Fuck me." I grumbled. "I'll go chase down breakfast. You get your tests done." I muttered, crawling out of bed, still half asleep.

Although, I completely forgot about the cast on my foot and placed all my weight on it as I stood up. Almost immediately, my ankle gave in and fell to the floor, the sound of a crash echoing in the empty room.

Ghost immediately jumped forward from the bed and looked down at me. "Are you okay?!" He said worriedly, about to get out of bed.

"Sir!" One of the soldiers rushed into the room. "W-we heard a crash!" He exclaimed, his eyes wondering to me on the floor. I let out a deep breath, brushing my hair out of my face. "Ma'am.. didn't realise you were still in here." He mumbled, coming over and helping me to my feet.

Ghost watched and relaxed slightly once I was standing again. "Uhuh. Still here." I mumbled, grabbing my crutch.

"Should I get the doctor? Are you hurt? I can get someone to-" Ghost questioned.

"No. I'm fine. I'll be back." I grumbled, now in a bad mood. Not only did my breakfast run away, but so did my ability to walk.

I left the room, albeit at a slow pace. But eventually I did catch up to Lucy who had stopped outside the private infirmary. Probably to process what she just walked in on. Then she noticed my arrival.

"Are you and-" She started but I immediately cut her off.

"No. We're not. I just slept there because the chair was causing more issues." I exclaimed.

"Right~" She smirked. "I suppose his heart needed to be checked constantly as well. Explains why your head was against it." She teased.

"It's not what you think. Hand over the breakfast." I rolled my eyes, trying to grab the tray.

She quickly pulled away. "No, no. You're telling me with your whole heart that there's nothing going on between you two? Anything?"

I stayed silent.

"So there is something. But you just don't know what it is yet."

I looked away.

It was like she took the words right out of my mouth.

"Well, update me when you do know what it is." She smiled, handing me the tray. "I thought you should know, LT personally asked for me to deliver breakfast." She laughed.

"Of course he did." I narrowed my eyes, taking the tray. "Thanks, Luce." I mumbled, walking back into the infirmary.

It was another one of his games it seemed. But if he really wanted to play, I guess I'd just have to compete and beat him at it.

"You're back?" Ghost asked, watching me walk into the room with the tray in my hand. The doctor was also present, taking the results of his test, meaning Ghost was also nude. Well. From the chest up.

But this time, I didn't shy away.

I put the tray on the table and crawled  into bed beside him, his back facing me.

He was surprised. I could tell with the way he stiffened up when I lied back down, almost to put on a show for me.

"Ahem. How is the medication? Any effects?" The doctor asked, noticing me pick up a piece of toast from the plate and a take a bite with a crunch.

"It keeps me awake." He answered. The doctor glanced at me. Assumingly, he wanted to say something that would not have translated well. "The pain will subside over time. Resting physically is what matters most." He expressed. Again, seeming like he was being quite particular.

I almost choked on the bread in my mouth after hearing his statement, knowing exactly what he was insinuating. But this was the perfect opportunity.

"Don't worry Doc, I'll make sure he is well rested." I reassured bluntly with a smile. Both the doctor and Ghost stared back at me, harbouring the same shocked eyes.

"Thank you, Y/n. I'll leave you guys to it." The doctor replied, clicking his pen off before packing his things and leaving the room.

"Take a bite." I said, holding up the toast I had taken a bite out of.

Ghost leaned back and took a bite, his eyes scanning me slowly. "Do you want the Doc to look at your ankle?"

"It wasn't a nasty fall. I'm okay." I reassured, leaning back against the wall.

He nodded and turned back to face me. I glanced down at his chest as he picked up his shirt.

"Wait. I want to see." I mumbled, perking up a little to take a proper look at his wound.

Ghost took the toast out of my hand and watched me survey his chest with intrigue.

He was ripped. In a muscular and damaged way. There were cuts and bruises covering his chest but they were nothing compared to his defined muscles. The bandage covering his gunshot wounds had purple bruising escaping the white.

That shit looked like it killed.

My hand trembled as I gripped the sheets, physically having to prevent myself from touching the bandages.

"Okay. I'm done." I muttered, picking up the tray and placing it on my lap.

"That's it?" He questioned. It looked like he anticipated my touch or something more to come out of my mouth.

"That's it. Let's eat." I mumbled, passing him his plate. He let out a small sigh and leaned back against the wall next to me, his shirt still off.

It worked. For the most part.

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now