3 - Reunited

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Johnny and I left the infirmary and were now walking down the corridor. This place was like any other military base, bland and professional. My shoes clicked against the concrete floor which echoed down the empty corridor.

"I'm Sergeant MacTavish. But you can call me Johnny." He said back as I followed behind him.

"Right... I'm y/n" I replied back. There was a sense of calmness now. It felt like from the moment of my arrival life had been barrelling through. I could finally look up and take in Johnny's looks. He was tall and looked built, just as much as the Lieutenant. His small mohawk was the star of the show however. The way he walked with a spring in his step and how his uniform clinged to his back, exposing the lines of his muscles. It was a sight to see.

Before I knew it, we were stood outside the Captain's office. "Well. This is as far as I will-" Johnny started before the door creaked open to expose a wall of a man. Again, I rose my head and my eyes almost popped outside my head. It was the Lieutenant.

"Ghost! What were you doing in there haha... mission brief?" Johnny spoke with an awkward smile.

"Tch." Ghost scoffed and looked down at me with his arms crossed. Although something was different. The way he looked at me, there was malice behind his eyes. It was threatening. He didn't know why I was going to the office but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the "accident" would definitely become a topic.

Did he not want me to spill? Or did he just hate me? I'd say the latter.

Ghost bumped my shoulder as he walked passed, with some force that almost pushed me over. Compared to him, I was as light as a feather. "Dick" I cursed under my breath.

"What did you just say?" He hissed as he turned back to look at me.

"Nothing, Lieutenant, have a good day." I replied with a forced smile, biting my tongue.

Oh how I would like to punch him in the face, to return the favour. I doubt I'd do much damage but I'd get satisfaction.

"Ghost! Wait up!" Johnny yelled, rushing over to catch up to him. "I'll catch you later Y/n!" He said back to me.

That was abrupt, and again, here I am, waiting outside a door that could make or break my career. Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I knocked on the door before opening it slightly.

"Captain..?" I spoke and slowly walked through the door. Infront of me was the Captain, but he looked familiar.



Now I really felt like my eyes were popping out of my head.

"P-Price?" I question, running into the office.

"That's Captain Price, to you... Ma'am." He chuckled, standing up from his chair with a big grin on his face and arms open wide. I practically jumped into his arms at that point.

"Oh my God! I can't believe it! I'm so glad to see you!" I gleamed as he squeezed me gently.

"Well you best believe it. I knew you had what it takes. Since the day I took you home you had fire in your soul." He smiled, letting go and grabbing me  lightly by the shoulders. "Now, what's this commotion I heard about in the courtyard?" He questioned.

I looked up at him with a blank face. Should I tell him? Surely he knows.. right? Who would lie to the Captain?

"The Lieutenant punched me in the face." I said bluntly which took him aback.


"He. Punched me. In the face." I said once again with more conviction. I guess nobody had told him.

"Now, why would he do that?" He sighed, with a slight frown on his face, letting go of my shoulders.

"I don't know! Why don't you ask him? He's the one who punched me." I huffed, crossing my arms in annoyance.

"Oh I'll ask him alright." He grumbled sitting back down at his desk. "What's more, you belong here now. I do appreciate your fire but save it for the enemies, I don't want our soldiers to burn." He chuckled, picking up a pen to resume his paperwork. "You're dismissed. Get some rest, we have long work ahead of us."

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