72 - Holding Fire

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"So it's your treat today, right?" I asked, browsing through the clothing rack. Ghost was already holding onto 6 articles of clothing and their hangers. But in my defense, I'd never be able to find pieces like this in Russia.

"Hm." He grumbled, watching me shop. It wasn't his favourite past time but he knew better than to complain, since I would take even longer with it.

After a few moments, I handed two more pieces to him. "Fine. Let's go." I smiled, taking his free hand and leading him over to the lingerie section. He definitely seemed out of place and stuck out massively in the lady shoppers surrounding us. But it didn't matter.

"Go on. Pick. Only two though." I offered, taking a step back so he could really browse the options. It also seemed like Ghost didn't care about the jealous stares that switched between us, he was too focused on the task at hand.

His gloved hands brushed against the choices, inspecting them intensely so he could make a well rounded decision.

Then his hand gravitated towards a wine red lingerie that was laced with black detailing and sheer black material cascading from it.

"Love-" I started but he cut me off, handing me the lingerie set.

"My choice. Don't interfere." He warned, turning back to the sets. Immediately, he grabbed a strappy baby pink lingerie set that had black bows and cut outs in the most revealing places. That choice surprised me, I wouldn't have even thought to have look at it.

"Any particulat reason for this one?" I asked curiously as he sized it up to my body before handing it to me.

"You don't get to enact your femininity often. I want to see you in pink." He answered stoically to which I smiled. It was true. Being in a male dominated profession, my personality very much molded to be quite masculine, until I was surrounded by other women or had the chance to wear dresses or makeup.

"Right. Let's hope I pull it off." I teased as we walked over to the counter. As suggested, Ghost paid for the items, reaching quite a high bill but he didn't even question it and tapped his card before grabbing the bags. He led me out of the store and we walked down the stretch until he stopped outside a boutique.

"Scan the perimeter and then meet me inside." He ordered lowly before slipping into the store before I could even question.

I had to process what he said before looking around. Then I did as he said, taking a few minutes to scan the surrounding areas and as predicted, there was no suspicious activity. Anything that concerned us anyway. I walk back into the boutique to see the empty store. I peek around, trying to find Ghost.

Then suddenly, a hand grasped onto my shoulder. Immediately, I grabbed the forearm and twisted it outwards.

"F-Fuck! Kitten!" Ghost groaned and I swiftly let go, face in shock.

"Oh! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I hissed, hitting his chest lightly.

Ghost sighed quietly and shook his arm to regain feeling. "Duly noted." He grumbled, grabbing my hand and leading me into the backroom which was wide open for us but was disguised as a vaulted wall.

I heard a whirring sound and saw flickers of sparks as we entered the dimly lit room, the door closing behind us automatically.

"Aldo!" Ghost shouted over the loud sound of iron.

"You back, da?" Aldo called out, turning off the machinery and approaching us. He wore heat protective equipment and one of the scary looking visors. "Ma'am. You must be his lady." Aldo teased. I just knew he was smirking underneath the mask.

"That I am." I answered politely. "What are we doing here?" I whispered to Ghost.

"We are.. confirming our weapons load out." He spoke, ushering me forward. "Request your items."

I looked back at him in confusion. "What," I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. I didn't know the plan forward, how the fuck was I meant to pick a weapon? "I uh... hm." I pondered.

"Any time today, lady." Aldo sighed, going back to his workstation to which I followed.

"I don't know. I like throwing knives." I shrugged, naming the only well rounded item I could think of.

"What's your speciality?" He asked.

"Oh! Well.. I don't have one. I'm just that good." I answered proudly but then Ghost placed a hand on my shoulder, stepping forward in line with me.

"She's a sniper." He corrected, looking down at me.

"Yes I'm an amazing sharpshooter, but my speciality?" I smirked but Ghost's serious face made my smirk drop. "Hm, yeah, I guess I'll stick with sniper." I mumbled.

"Sharpshooter? Hm." He thought for a moment. "I'll give you an AR, modified, heavy midrange fire." He said nonchalantly, rummaging under his desk. Then he pulled out a briefcase, slamming it onto the table. "This. For you. Take as a gift." He shrugged.

"Gift? Is it my birthday?" I grinned as I tapped Ghost on the shoulder. He nodded and picked up the briefcase.

"Nyet. But you will accomplish something very soon." He nodded. "I will see the both of you soon."

"Thank you, Aldo." I smiled.

Ghost led us both out of the boutique, having to physically drag me out otherwise I would have delayed their closing time.

"Enough spent today." Ghost sighed, gripping the wheel as we drove home.

"That's because you spent a pretty penny on that pink lingerie." I teased.

"A worthy investment. Those clothes are not. Especially since you won't have the time to wear them." He smirked, resting a hand on my thigh.

"Oh I'll make the time. Like when we go on more dates and such." I suggested, but could only feel his hand creeping up further.

"Dates? What happens after these dates, kitten?" He questioned, glancing over at me.

I met his gaze. I did not want to answer that question.

"What happens?" He repeated, fingers brushing over my crotch. I felt the buzz in my core just briefly, enough to make me wince.

"We fuck." I answered bluntly, biting my lip.

"Mm. And those pretty clothes of yours? They'll be ripped from your body the second I want them to be." He taunted.

But then my eyes widened in surprise, looking down at his hand and then back over to him. "You think they were pretty?" I smiled.

"Of course. Even sexier on you, with that lingerie underneath. A perfect little thing to unwrap." He spoke, his fingers now teasing my entrance through my pants and underwear.

I hissed through my teeth. "Fuck Simon.." I sighed heavily.

"Don't hold back. I know what you're doing." He murmured, eyes trained on the road as his finger prodded at my entrance. We both then became aware of my wetness. I looked away with flushed cheeks.

"Oh I have to fuck you now." He growled lowly, wasting no time dipping his hand into my pants and immediately sticking a finger in me.

I automatically moaned as I felt his finger fill me and claw at my insides, my hips bucking forward slightly on instinct.

"Mm, that's it. Do the work for me." He teased, allowing for my movement. And I definitely capitalised on his permission, bouncing on his finger lightly to quicken the pace.

This worked wonders. In our isolated space and my upright position, he was reaching deep into my core. All while keeping focused on the road.

"Come on kitten. We're almost home." He muttered, curling his finger. And that did it. Spreading my walls further. I gripped onto the seatbelt and leaned my head back against the headrest.

"Fuuuck.." I groaned, reaching climax as his finger slowly exited my pants. "W-when we get back.. I'll wear that pink lingerie." I panted lightly.

"It's cute that you think you have a choice in that matter." He teased, sucking the juices off his finger to which I laughed.

"Y-yeah... silly of me." I smiled.

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