7 - Disaster In The Garden

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TW - drugs

The drive was long, and in silence. Ghost and I were in separate cars, his a black van, and mine a classic Mercedes. It made sense as I was the one actually infiltrating the party.

The sun began to set, the sky filling with hues of pink and purple. Pulling over at the entrance of the party, the door was opened for me and a waiter kindly helped me out of the car. Guests were still bustling through the doors but I could hear music and see lights around the corner.

Walking through the entrance, I made it quite swiftly past the security since I had no weapons on me. I did breathe a sigh of relief however for my earpiece going unnoticed. Then I emerged from a canopy into the conservatory, where the party was being held.

The music and conversations were loud, guests roaming all over the place, hassling waiters and dancing with eachother. The walls and ceilings were entirely glass which allowed for the deep sky to be gazed out. I was in awe. Never have I ever attended something of this magnitude.

"Don't you look like a little Vixen." I heard in my earpiece, the voice was familiar, it was Johnny's. I look around to try and find him.

"Ah-ah, keep your eyes centre, we all have eyes on this place. Proceed with your-" He started but was cut out, most likely Ghost intercepting the comms.

"The Target has arrived. He is wearing the distinguishable blue hat and red cuff links." Ghost stated, almost with a hint of disgust. He clearly did not admire Henri's fashion taste.

"Copy that." I mumbled, grabbing a glass of wine from a server, and slowly making my way over. There was something sultry in my walk, the way I stepped closer and closer to him, the small smirk on my lips.

Henri however was an unpalatable fellow. His essence screamed greed and money, it was hard for me to keep a positive stride. The way his blonde hair sat scruffily in his hat and his obscene looking tie. His suit did not compliment my dress in the slightest.

As I walked over, I brushed past him, my bare shoulder scraping across the expensive fabric of his jacket. "Hey! Hey.." He started with a loud mouth but it quickly shifted into a look of curiosity. "And you are?"

"Alice. The Viscountess' right hand." I smiled, turning around with a small curtsey, ensuring the slit in my dress delicately exposed my leg.

I'm so glad I read that mission brief.

"Well, it's lovely meeting you, Alice. I'm deeply saddened to hear of the Viscountess' illness. However, with sending her right hand, she definitely did not disappoint." He smirked, taking my hand in his and leaving a light kiss on it. His eyes were hungry, lacking his lips as he glanced down at my leg.

It made me shudder, I felt gross. But this mission was vital, we needed him alive. I don't know why, it was way above my pay grade, but I needed to get him alone.

~ Meanwhile ~

Ghost was perched up above the Conservatory, his eye staring into his scope as he followed every one of your movements. Oh how delectable you looked with that black gown trailing after you.

Being away from society had its impacts, its frustrations. Ghost never liked the idea of involving women in their cruel operations. They did not deserve that burden. He harboured too much respect for their hands ti be dirtied by the criminal world. Hence why he was so agitated by Y/n's arrival. But it was the Captain's orders, nothing he could protest.

He kept his eye on you as you approached Starke. The conversation that flowed out your mouths was too natural. Ghost despised it. The grip on his gun hardened when Starke kissed your hand. How dare he even lay a finger on you. But the way you smiled after made him grunt in anger. Why did they have to send you in? He wished you had protested against going to this gathering hosted by a vulture. He was willing to alter every step in their plan to accommodate you.

But the way you laughed at Henri's jokes, filling up in Ghost's ears. They weren't even funny, mediocre at best.

"Fuck this.. " He murmured after turning off comms between them both, so now you couldn't hear him. Not like he was planning on saying anything anyway. Shifting slightly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter and a cigarette.

The mask was slowly lifted from his mouth and he held the cigarette between his lips, lighting it. With the click of the lighter, he inhaled and breathed out a puff of smoke. This was almost like torture to him.

At this point, he mentally attempted to block out the hearty laughs and provocative giggles. Hell, why did he have to watch you? Why couldn't Johnny?

~ Y/n's POV ~

"Wait- where are we going?" I muttered as Henri took my hand and whisked me away before I could even oppose.

"You'll see." He grinned with a toothy smile.

Suddenly I was led down a corridor, every step taking me further away from the conservatory. Panic began to fill my stomach as I wondered over what the hell was happening.

"That dress.. it really does fit you like a glove. It's a shame someone as dangerous as you had to fill it out. But don't worry.. we're going to have so much fun together." He whispered with a devilish smile, leaning close to me.

Shock was plastered over my face. Was this a set up? I step back to put space between us, only to hit a bodyguard behind me. "W-what are you talking about? I'm here on behalf-" I started.

"Cut the crap, agent. We're going to turn that pretty little face of yours inside out."

More guards began to rush the corridor. The brief mentioned that all the guards were going to be taken care of. What the fuck is this?! There were atleast 10 surrounding me.

"Y/n?! Y/n?? Talk to me. What's happening?" I heard Ghost question in my ear. But I couldn't respond. Being in an enclosed space with no weapons, I was at a complete loss. Still, I had to try. This mission can't fail.

Just as I was about to iniate a move, a stinging sensation was felt in the back of my neck. Then another, and another. I stumbled forward, my vision blurring and my knees buckling slowly. What the fuck was that? Involuntarily I broke down into Henri's arms, my eyes closing slowly.

"That's it... don't fight it." He whispered in a calming tone, running his hand up and down my back.

Just like that, I was out.

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