40 - Memory Lane pt. 2

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"Nobody else made it out alive. The ML is still in critical condition. How did this even happen?"

I stirred awake. Then I jumped up but immediately regretted when excruciating pain emerged from my side. I let out a hiss, alerting the individuals in the room of my consciousness.

"Ma'am!" Kennedy yelled, rushing to my side as the others followed suit.

It was the team. All of them. Ernest, Davies, and Kennedy. They all had the same look in their eye. Relief.

"Y-you all made it out?" I laughed, lying back down.

"All because of you." Davies smiled, nudging Ernest in the arm who was holding a Teddy bear.

He grumbled and placed the bear on the bed next to me. "Y-yeah.. we um, we heard the shots." He muttered, crossing his arms. But then he was nudged again, by Kennedy this time and his arms dropped, resuming his stance. "Thank you.. for getting us out." He added with a small sigh which made me laugh even more.

"S-stop.. ah, I'm actually gonna pull my stitches." I grinned, picking up the bear. "Casualties?"

"Everyone but us." Kennedy frowned.

"You might as well count the ML, he's practically a vegetable." Ernest bickered.

"Ernest! You can't say that!" Davies scolded, pushing him lightly.

"What! Its true! He's in a coma!" Ernest retorted.

"Fuck me.." I sighed heavily, closing my eyes for a moment. "Any news on the rat?"

"There was no rat." Ernest spoke bluntly.

"It was a... clerical error. Someone sent an email to a company instead of an indivual. And the company so happened to be an affiliate of the Syndicate." Kennedy explained.

"The fuck? Who makes a mistake like that?" I grumbled, putting the bear back down.

"Someone in Admin. But it doesn't matter because the mission was a success. Technically anyway. And we have proof of the... kill." Ernest cleared his throat, looking away.

"We heard-... there was no need to prove the kill. And we saw the body." Kennedy frowned.

"No there wasn't. And did you now." I mumbled, unbothered.

"You took down over forty men and the head of the regional Syndicate with no help AND you're still with us? Are you even human?" Davies questioned.

"Clearly so. I'm out of commission for a long time now." I pouted.

"But when you're back on your feet, you have an offer waiting. For a field agent, on base." Ernest grinned. My eyes almost popped out of my head.

"Wait, really?!" I jumped back up, unable to contain my excitement.

"Really. And Price pulled some strings apparently, this whole thing is getting covered up. And we get a few perks too." He said with a smug smile.

"I'm set for life then." I returned his cheeky smile.

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