84 - Get Together

283 12 1

TW - soft play

We went at it all night. And as expected, by the time I had literally passed out, my makeup had half disintegrated and the other half had spread across my skin. I looked like something out of a horror film with my raccoon eyes but Ghost found amusement in it, being proud of his achievement.

Whatever sleep we did get from morning to about the afternoon was cut short due to our need to prepare for our party. "Fuck.." I groaned as my eyes opened. I looked to my side to see Ghost already awake, checking his emails. "You're on annual leave." I reminded him, moving to lie my head on his chest as my hand crept towards his crotch.

"I am." He agreed, grabbing my hand and moving my arm so it was sprawled across his chest. "If we start this game we'll miss our event." He retorted, switching off his phone and leaning down to peck my lips.

"I guess we could always carry on tonight." I smirked, watching him lean to the side to grab my pill. I sat up and he gave it to me with a glass of water. But I didn't swallow, I just furrowed my brows and looked at it. "I don't want it." I spoke quietly.

"Don't want what? The pill?" Ghost questioned, sitting up with me, placing a hand against my back as he rubbed it gently.

"Yeah. I don't want to take it." I answered bluntly, handing it back to him before taking a sip of my water.

Ghost nodded slowly. "Mm.. Okay. If I had known you wanted to be pregnant, I would have made sure to put a kid in you last night." He teased, cupping my face lightly and pulling me in for another kiss.

I smiled against his lips. "I think you did the job. If not, there's always tonight." I assured him, wrapping my arms around him and burying my head into the crook of his neck. "You're okay with this?" I asked curiously.

"More than okay." He responded, tightening his grip around me. "We'll have everything in order very soon."

I pulled away and nodded. "We will. But for now, I need you to leave." I spoke, crawling out of bed.

"Kicking me out already?" He questioned.

"Of course! I need a couple hours to get ready and make sure everything is in order!" I explained, walking over to the mirror to check my skin. "And you can't see me while I get ready. It's bad luck." I added.

"I'm sure that only applies to the actual wedding, kitten." He sighed, getting onto his feet as he rummaged to put some clothes on.

"Really?" I pondered for a moment but then shook my head. "I want you leave. It should be a surprise. Bad luck or not." I grumbled.

"Mm. Don't take too long. I'll be waiting." He answered, walking over and pecking my lips lightly. "Want me to send one of the girls in?" He asked, approaching the door.

"If you can. I'm assuming you're going to Johnny's?" I returned.

He nodded. "He has my uniform. I'll see if Hope can help you." He noted before leaving the room.

"Love you!" I called out to him but heard no response so I quickly rushed towards the door and opened it, poking my head out to see him walking down the corridor. "Ghost!" I whisper-yelled. He turned around in confusion and walked backed swiftly, blocking the doorway since I was nude and peeking out.

"What is it?" He asked with urgency in his tone.

"Did you not hear me?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What did you say?"

"I said I love you. And I was wanting to here it back." I informed, looking up at him with a playful glare.

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now