12 - Paying His Dues

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The mission update.

If the report spews any details about what happened I will-

I shake my head and stand up from my bed. The after effects of the drugs were still prominent within me. The headache subsided but now my body temperature was going crazy. One moment I'd be extremely cold and then next, I was ready to strip out of all I was wearing.

But for the moment, I was cold. Extremely cold. So I added a hoodie over my uniform, praying I wouldn't get it trouble since I was still on the clock.

I made my way over to the meeting room, on time for once as people were still shuffling in.

"What are you wearing? Wait... why are you even here?" Johnny asked, watching me as I sat beside him.

"I'm cold, and I was asked to attend." I sighed. I guess my performance of being okay was done a little too well. Oh to have been able to miss this meeting, atleast then I could have slept off these side effects.

"By Ghost? He really enjoys your company." Johnnh laughed but then Ghost stood up, clearing his throat.

"Now that everyone has arrived, on time," He glanced at me, I knew it was said with spite, "we can start the report. In front of you printed out is an account of what happened."

I picked up the the bundle of papers and skimmed over it. But there wasn't much at all to read.

"Sir, why is it all redacted?" Konig asked.

"You must request to view the redacted elements, and have the clearance do so." Ghost stiffened up. The whole report was essentially redacted. I guess that was good for me. Nobody needed to know about me sucking-

"If there are any issues, report to me. But now we will briefly discuss the new Intel gathered." He started and rolled up the board to reveal, yet again, another complex plan.

I looked over, but I couldn't even focus on the details. My vision blurred and I felt heat radiate from my head. I brought my hands up onto the desk and clasped them together in an attempt to compose myself.

"Y/n. Are you alright? You don't look so good.." Johnny mumbled over Ghost explaining the new mission brief.

"I-I'm fine." I muttered in return and closed my eyes for a moment. I was in fact, not fine.

"Are you sure? You look pale? Did you need anything?" He pushed further but I put my hand up slightly to silent him. The last thing I wanted was to ruin Ghost's flow in speaking. He barely spoke unless necessary, so everyone viewed his leadership as an honour.

I unzipped the hoodie and placed it behind my chair. Please, let me live. Everything Ghost spoke of went in one ear and out the other. I couldn't register anything that was happening. This wasn't good.

It was becoming unbearable.

"S-Sir? Can I be dismissed?" I spoke up, keeping my head down to avoid his gaze.

"Mhm." Was all Ghost muttered before returning to his exclamation.

I stood up from my chair with Johnny deeply concerned. But I paid no mind. All I had to do was leave the room. How difficult could that be?

Apparently very much so. Because once I was a step out of the door, my legs buckled from underneath me. Everyone turned back to me in shock. "Y/n!" Johnmy yelled, rushing over to me to help me to my feet.

But at that point, my eyes began to close unwillingly.

~ The next day in the Infirmary ~


It happened again, didn't it?

Again, I stared up at the white ceiling, already familiar with where I was. But instead of Johnny fussing over me, an unexpected guest covered the chair.


His eyes were closed and his arms crossed. Was he taking a nap?

I sat up slowly and with the mere creak of my bed, his eyes flung open.

"Sorry.." I mumbled, leaning against the headboard.

"Good. You're awake." The nurse smiled, walking over and taking a seat. "Now you no longer have an excuse, Lieutenant, you should return to your duties." She scolded, putting on her gloves. But only a huff escaped his lips as he turned his head, unwilling to move.

The nurse sighed and shook her head. "Anyway... how are you feeling, Y/n?"

"Awful." I mumbled, avoiding Ghost's gaze. If he was in here, does that mean he cut the brief short? Nah.. surely not. Whatever happened, I'm sure I was in trouble.

"Hm. Well, overuse of that drug will do that to you." She mumbled, pressing the stethoscope to my heart. "I gave you medication to prioritise blood flow to your brain. You won't be able to feel your legs for a while so now I can only advise rest." She said with a small frown. "But if you're so eager to move, perhaps invest in a wheelchair." She added half-jokingly.

"A wheelchair, you say?" I pondered over the fact and looked over at Ghost, his eyes widening.

"Oh, no. No no, I cannot wheel you around." He scoffed.

"Well I don't want your constant pity either. So you can help me or keep feeling sorry for yourself elsewhere." I huffed and turned my nose up at him. Does he really think watching me will heal me any faster?

"Actually, it will be favourable to go out and.. explore." The nurse agreed, trying to convince him as well.

"Fine. But only for today." He sighed, succumbing to our plea.

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