53 - Postponed

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I could feel my eyelids get heavier and heavier. I was all cummed out and in complete disarray. Ghost was still pumping in and out of me at a slower pace and I could barely move. But he was close to me now, my arms wrapped around him, clawing and digging into his back.

The light was beginning to shine through the curtains but I was getting hazy.

"Come on baby.. one more. I know you can." He whispered into my ear, peppering me with kisses.

He was right.

I did have one more in me.

And I came so quick, moaning his name through my parched throat. And then he came. Inside of me like he had done all night.

Finally, he pulled out to see me delirious, my eyes incapable of even opening fully.

"Oh kitten.. I love you." He mumbled, reaching down to cup my face as he brushed his thumb against my cheek. "Let's get you ready to sleep."

The rest of the time was a blur. I remembered him bringing me into the bathroom, getting me to pee, wiping me and cleaning me up.

One thing I knew that when my head hit that pillow, I was knock out.

~ Hours Later ~

"Mm.. love?" I grumbled, stirring awake. I was lying on something hard, unmoving. I looked up, squinting at Ghost who was reading a book, leaning against the headboard slightly.

"Hm? What's up?" He asked, combing his fingers through my hair.

"Nothing." I spoke, sighing heavily as I stretched out, the feeling having finally returned to my legs.

"No work today?" I asked, sitting up with him and lying my head on his shoulder.

"Oh, plenty. But you insisted I didn't leave." He replied, closing his book and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"What? I did not." I said in surprise. I don't remember even waking up at any point.

"Kitten. You wouldn't let go." He teased. "Every time I'd even attempt to leave, you'd make these cute little noises and-"

I interrupted his sentence with a huge huff. "What are you reading?" I asked, picking up the book. "The Art of War?" I laughed.

Ghost looked genuinely confused. "I was reading it to discuss with you." He muttered, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Where did you get this from?"

"The library on base."

I shook my head, putting the book down. "I've not read this, but we can discuss it." I smiled, finding his attempt at making a common interest to be cute.

"Hm." He grumbled, sitting up and pulling me onto his lap properly so I was facing him now. "How are you feeling?" He asked in a slightly more serious tone. He sounded concerned.

"I'm okay." I assured him. "Just a little sore. Like uncomfortable. But I can deal with it."

"Sore? We should get that checked out. Just in case." He spoke, pushing my hair back so he could cup my face. "We also need.. a more definitive contraceptive."

I tilted my head and thought for a moment before nodding. "Okay. We'll talk to the nurse." I responded and he looked away. "What's wrong?" I pressed.

"You can talk to the nurse. I'll wait outside for you. Whatever you decide." He mumbled, his hands moving down to my waist.

"No, I want you there with me. You seem to be an expert on this stuff. Or.. I could just get pregnant."

That brought his attention back to me and he nodded slowly in compliance.

"Good." I smirked, mimicking his wording to which he rolled his eyes. I pulled him closer and wrapped my arms around him.

But then he winced, causing me to pull away a little. "How are you feeling?" I asked, looking up at him.

"You gave me your all last night, kitten. And now I'll have the marks to prove it." He smirked as I ran my fingers up and now his back lightly.

Fuck me. My eyes went wide.

I tore him up like a scratching post.

"M-maybe you should get checked out too. I don't want any of these getting infected." I sighed with a small frown.

"I'm okay, kitten. Your health comes first." He spoke, massaging my hips lightly.

"I want it checked anyway." I mumbled, looking up at him to which he nodded.

"Whatever makes you happy." He smiled, leaning down to kiss me lightly. "But we should get moving soon. It's currently 18:10." He added.

I was shocked. We slept for 12 hours?!

"The fuck? Where'd all the time go?!" I hissed, crawling off his lap and scrambling across the bed to the bedside table. I picked up my phone to be welcomed with 72 notifications, 80% of then being from Price. Most likely about the stunt I pulled last night.

"Fuck me... we should get going."  I sighed, going to stand up but then immediately sitting back on the bed.  "Okay.  Now I'm feeling it." I grumbled, letting out a steady breath as I sat for a moment.

"Off limits tonight then, kitten?" Ghost taunted, crawling out of bed with ease. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. It was unfair how he was just able to walk, and I struggle to even take a step.

Noticing my sour mood, Ghost walked over and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder.

I fell limp, allowing him to do all the work. "This isn't romantic." I mumbled, referring to the way he just picked me up like I was a sack of flour.

"I guess not, but it is easy access." He smirked as I felt his hand snake up to my ass which he spanked. Hard.

I let out a yelp and he chuckled. "Romantic now?" He grinned

I couldn't even glare at him because he couldn't see my face. Instead, I reached and grabbed his ass as he walked us to the bathroom.

"Kitten.." He groaned, placing me in the tub.

Was he already getting worked up?

"We need to be quick, my love." I spoke, standing up and turning on the shower as he joined me.

~ 30 Mins Later ~

Every time Ghost attempted to make an advance I had to shut him down. He would grumble nonsense to himself and then continue getting ready. Now that we've had our first time, we're going to have many more.

Ghost combed my hair as I buttoned my shirt. "We need to visit Price, after." I spoke, straightening out my uniform.

"We?" He questioned, pulling my hair up into a ponytail.

"Yes, we. I need the moral support babe. Besides, I think having my boss there will lessen the blow." I sighed, looking up at him.

He thought for a moment then nodded. "Okay. But then I have to return to my office for the night."

"I'll be there too." I smiled, looking back into the vanity mirror. Now I had a vague idea of what Ghost did, and some experience, I knew I'd be able to help with the workload that had piled up.

"Good. Dont think for even a second that you've escaped me." He smirked, grabbing my ponytail and yanking on it so I was forced to look up at him. His other hand snaked up to my slender throat and squeezed. "I let you stop me. You'll do well to remember that, kitten."

Leaning down, he placed a kiss on my lips, teasing my mouth with his tongue. But then he pulled away and let go, beginning to walk to the door.

Fuck. Heat pooled at my core.

"M-maybe we can stay here! Just for a little while." I called out, embarrassed.

Ghost didn't even turn to look back at me. "Tonight, I'm going to bend you over and fill that pretty little hole of yours."

He twisted the door handle, opening it. "And if you're good, I'll bury my head deep between those sexy thighs of yours and eat that dripping pussy for dinner."

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now