35 - Clarity

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Now I was anticipating the worst, but I didn't show it on my face. Were we about to be raided? Did we need to fight?


Something much worse.

We all continued chatting, waiting for our food until a shadowy figure approached our table.


All three stood up immensely with a salute, but I remained seated, still in shock.

"At ease." He spoke, keeping his eyes on me.

Did Lucy really..?


The attention this man brought. Glances were on us constantly. Did he not know plain clothes exist? Why was he in uniform?

Being raided was a much more preferable situation.

"What are you doing here... sir?" I asked, having to bite my tongue.

"A situation has arisen, Y/l/n. You have been requested." He relayed bluntly.

"With all due respect, Lieutenant, I am not currently in a position where I can be of any use." I retorted, a small glare in my eyes.

The tension was rising.

"Negative, soldier. Follow me." He ordered, turning to walk away.

"What is this concerning?!" I asked, standing up with my fists on the table. It didn't take a genius to catch onto the fact that I was fuming.

Ghost stopped immediately, turning back to face me. "It's classified." He answered, looking at the company I was with.

I scoffed.

Its classified? He couldn't even come up with a plausible lie.

"H-here. I'll help you to the car." Matteo offered, standing up and passing me my crutch.

"No need, Matthews. I've got it from here." Ghost interrupted, waiting for me instead of rushing ahead.

"Thank you Matteo. Enjoy the meal, for the both of us." I said with a sad smile before giving him a quick hug.

Ghost flinched. He looked like he was about to pounce.

"Yeah.. Good luck." Matteo murmured as I took my leave, following after Ghost.

He led me back to his car, not even opening the door for me, so I closed it with a slam. Just to really show him how annoyed I was.

"What do you need me for?" I questioned, turning to face him as he started the car.

But again, I received silence.

"Lieutenant. I asked, what do you need me for?" I repeated more sternly, raising my voice slightly.

"Don't call me that." He muttered, stepping on the gas.

I practically flew back into the seat with how quickly he accelerated. "Un-fucking-believable." I hissed, crossing my arms. "You didn't need me, not for anything professional anyway. I just can't have a good time if it's not with you." I glared.

"Hickeys to a stranger are classed as a good time?" He challenged, referencing the burn mark on my neck.

"Well I don't fuck at every chance I'm given." I hit back.

That made him angry.

"Message received." He muttered, gripping the wheel tightly.

"What message? Do you really think everything that happens in my life is revolved around you? Are you that delusional?" I questioned, rolling my eyes.

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now